Today, instead of pondering, I've decided to....
do something else. I'm going to look at things and talk about what I'd do if I were in charge. By being in charge I don't mean suddenly the emperor or king of the U.S. I mean if whatever I wanted to have happen would be immediately put into effect by the elected leadership, or other government functionaries just because I thought it to be a good idea. It seemed like a nice change of pace.
If I were in charge, the length of time traffic lights stay yellow would be made uniform and that information shared. All drivers would be told just how much time that is. Cameras would be put up at all major intersections and anyone who enters the intersection and doesn't get across before the light turns red would be cited. We need to teach that yellow means caution, not accelerate.
If I were in charge, the presidency would be for one term of six years. All of the time Presidents spend running for reelection during their first term means a lack of focus on running the country. One six year term means that the next election is someone else's problem and the incumbent can work solely on the job we elected them to.
If I were in charge, anytime there was more than three people in line, in the 15 item or less checkout line, the register would automatically stop accepting new items for purchase after 16 for each customer. This would stop people with too many items getting into this line and making others wait. When there was no line, the express checkout could be used by anyone.
If I were in charge, any business that is required by law to have a public restroom would be required to keep it very, very clean. No one should ever be forced to use a "Trainspotting" like restroom just because nature is calling and that's the only alternative close enough to be used.
If I were in charge, we would use abandoned military bases and other such facilities in remote areas to house the chronically homeless. Housing and food would be provided and they wouldn't be allowed to return to the city where they formerly slept on the streets until they were capable of self-sufficiency without having to panhandle or engage in similar behaviors. And yes, no drugs or booze would be allowed at these facilities. Harsh, cruel, but it would make life better for more than just those who chose not to care for themselves properly.
If I were in charge, diet soda makers would have to find a way to sweeten their drinks without aspertame or other substances that we are beginning to discover actually encourage drinkers of these beverages to eat more than before.
If I were in charge, doctors and other medical professionals would be required to provide a 25% discount to patients who are kept waiting more than one hour.
If I were in charge, we'd re-do Obamacare. Everyone would have a mandate to get insurance and a public option would be available for those who can't get coverage due to pre-existing conditions. Once everyone was covered, risk would be shared across a much broader pool and per-person costs for insurers would shrink without their having to take on the burden of pre-existing conditions. The public option would be subsidized by a tax on health insurance company profits, malpractice insurance company profits, medical malpractice attorneys, drug manufacturers and a reduction in the ability to deduct medical expenses on tax returns.
If I were in charge, movie theaters would be limited to showing only six trailers before the feature film. I'm tired of seven or eight trailers and waiting 20 minutes for the feature to start.
If I were in charge, the Game Show Network would be added to all basic cable plans. There's no reason that something showing almost entirely reruns of game shows that aired years ago be part of a premium package.
If I were in charge, cities would no longer be able to install parking meters where time paid for disappears when that vehicle pulls away from the curb. Time purchased is time that should be available to anyone, so that the same minutes aren't paid for two or three times over.
If I were in charge, federal, state, county and city governments would contract out as many services as possible as part of the solution to the ever growing problem of under-funded pensions. Hermosa Beach parking enforcement is the perfect example. That department has 10 employees whose total compensation ranges from $67,367 to $93,000 per year, including health and retirement benefits. For what are basically "meter maids". A private firm could do all of their functions, much more cheaply and would be required to offer these people first crack at the jobs, although they'd be making less money and the public would no longer be on the hook to provide them with lucrative pensions.
If I were in charge, WalMart, Target, and the like would have to provide adequate security for those who line up and wait for Black Friday sales, to prevent anyone from being trampled when the doors open. Line up first, get in first. Line up 19th, get in 19th. If there are 100 TVs at a certain price and everyone wants one, then the first 100 who lined up get one. None of this racing through stores to beat everyone else to a bargain. As people enter, they get the one bargain they want most. The rest go based on supply and demand once that first bargain is in their cart. Customers who fight over items will be ejected and allowed to purchase no sales priced items. Idiots who are dumb enough to do like last year and use pepper spray or Tasers would go to jail for assault.
If I were in charge, restaurants and other retail businesses that have been operating for more than 30 years would be allowed a waiver of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities act relating to customer access; if the cost of bringing the facility into compliance would be more than 15% of the business' annual gross revenues. Lawyers who make a living suing places into ADA compliance when there aren't any real complainants are the dregs of society. A 50 year old burger joint shouldn't have to go out of business because it doesn't have a wheelchair accessible toilet when the cost of installing one would eat an entire year's profits. There are other burger joints and there is takeout.
If I were in charge, no new apartment buildings could be constructed without either window air conditioning or central air conditioning in cities that experience 30 or more days per year with temperatures of more than 85%.
If i were in charge, applying make-up while driving would be the same offense as talking or texting on a cell phone while driving.
If I were in charge, jaywalking could only be cited if there was an oncoming car withint 50 feet of the violator.
If I were in charge, outsourcing jobs would come with severe tax penalties. So severe as to strongly discourage such outsourcing. Maybe a tax penalty equivalent to 125% of the difference in salary between the newly outsourced job and the salary of the old position here in the U.S.
If I were in charge, all trade rules with other nations would be changed to work under the terms of a new law known as the Trade Mirror act. If that other nation imposes restrictions or tarriffs on U.S. exports to that nation, the U.S. will impose the same exact restrictions and tarriffs on their exports to the U.S. These rules would apply to items partially produced in the U.S. on a pro-rata basis based on how much of the item was built here and how much there.
If I was in charge, the sub-minimum wage for employees who make tips would be eliminated. Restaurants could just raise prices and pay the minimum wage to servers, and patrons would just tip less and spend the same amount of money.