Friday, October 19, 2012

So yesterday I was sitting in the doctor's office at the VA...

when my cellphone rang.  It was the VA's tele-health computer, calling to see if I'd checked my vital signs that day.  Now I'd just had my vitals checked by the VA's nurse and entered into their computer.  So why was it calling me?  Does the computer at the VA not talk to the computer that calls me to demand my vitals seven days a week?  Apparently not.  I had to call the computer back after my appointment to give it numbers it should have already had.

Other ponderables today include the rationale behind Gallaudet University (a famous university for deaf students) placing their chief diversity officer on leave because she signed a petition to put the same-sex marriage law proposal on the ballot for Maryland's voters to continue.  There's something completely illogical about that notion.  The LGBT community adds diversity to a campus.  Gallaudet has a large LGBT community already.   Suspending her makes about as much sense as the logic that the reason that guy shot the Pope was that he wanted to go straight to hell and he did not want to have to stand in line to get in. (giving credit to Eddie Murphy for that old joke)

What would or could be so important that you need to text it while going 70 miles per hour on the freeway?  I have this mental image of a guy in rush hour traffic sipping coffee with one hand, holding his cell phone to his ear with the other, manipulating the steering wheel with his knee and generally presenting a danger to any other car on the road.  I've seen things close to that.  I saw a woman the other day stopped at a traffic light doing her makeup and she didn't put it down right away when the light changed.  She moved into the intersection and only then put down whatever she was putting on her face.

Reminds me of a time I had three women working for me in my Air Force office.  One insisted on arriving right at the exact minute the duty day started, and then she'd sit at her desk and spend 15 to 20 minutes "fixing her face". 

One of the reasons I hate the current political system is that we have to wonder about things like what is frequent prevaricator Deborah Wasserman Shultz avoiding questions about the fund-raising for the recent Democratic National Convention.  The fund-raising fell well short of the required goals, in spite of commitments to avoid special interest money.  Didn't someone say something about the most "transparent administration in history".  Don't get me wrong, both sides suck when it comes to stuff like this.  Mitt Romney never met a dollar he wouldn't accept as a campaign donation, even if it was from Satan.

I'd like to know what happened to the woman who died in a Metrolink station after she fell down an escalator backwards.  Yes, the elevator shouldn't have been broken.  But she was being pushed by an attendant.  The two of them should have known better than to attempt to negotiate an escalator on a wheelchair.  There are signs.  There is common sense.  Get back on the train, ride to the next station and walk or cab or bus back to where you were going.  The next station's elevator probably worked.