Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday's headlines

Back in the 1970s, there was a newspaper with the slogan "all the news that's fit to print".  Then came the fad of streaking ( and the now defunct Arby's restaraunt in Santa Monica on Lincoln Boulevard put this on their marquee:  "Streaking - all the nudes that's fit to sprint".

Your intrepid reporter is trapped by street closures in Culver City due to the police discovering the makings of a number of pipe bombs at a nearby apartment.  We were not forced to evacuate, because it isn't all that close, but so many intersections are closed that it would be impossible to return if anyone left.

Orenthal James Simpson testified in a Las Vegas courtroom today, seeking to gain a new trial. 

The acting commissioner of the IRS resigned today, under pressure from the Obama Administration.  I'm sorry Mr. President, but I'm not physically up to the demands of the job.  Otherwise I'd help you out with this mess.  More on this in tomorrow's blog, as part of the root of this problem has to do with how the laws are currently written and the impact of the Citizens United v FEC decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The State of South Carolina is being sued by the adoptive parents of a child who the state gave gender reassignment surgery to when the child was 16 months old and a ward of the state.  The child is now 8, feels like a boy, wants to be a boy, but SC removed his male genitalia before it was necessary to do so, claims the lawsuit.

Governor Chris Christie has now said that one of the factors in his decision to have lapband surgery was his clothes not fitting as he grew larger.

There are now 40 confirmed cases worldwide of a new virus that is in the same family of illnesses as SARS.  Novel coronavirus, known as nCoV recently infected two health-care workers in Saudi Arabia who were treating a patient with the condition.  It is a strong virus that attacks the respiratory system and can cause pneumonia and kidney failure.

Tommy Chong says legalizing marijuana could save the U.S. economy by taxing its sale.  He may be right.  Meanwhile, UFC fighter Pat Healy will have to return a $130,000 prize he won in a fight, after he tested positive for marijuana use after the bout.  He has acknowledged the mistake and apologized.

In Jupiter, FL, a man who was bowling accidentally shot himself.  He was not seriously hurt and will face no criminal charges.  Bet it didn't help his average though.

Phil Ivey is known as one of the best poker players in the world.  Now a casino in Britain is accusing him of having cheated at Baccarat to win nearly $12 million last summer.

A football player slated to attend Michigan State on a full-ride football scholarship lost that opportunity when the university saw a video of him rapping.  He doesn't care at all, saying rap is his passion.

For those who can afford it, there is a way to avoid the long lines at Disneyland.  People are spending more than $100 per hour to "rent" a disabled person.  Being accompanied by a person in a wheelchair takes you to the front of the line at every ride at Disneyland.