Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wecome to Weekday Afternoon Update

Our top story today is not that Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.  But it is close.  A female passenger on an American Airlines flight would not stop singing the Dolly Parton/Whitney Houston song "I Will Always Love You", forcing the flight to divert to Kansas City, where the woman was taken off the plane by police.  http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50146784n

Attorney General Eric Holder strongly defended the seizure of the phone records of Associated Press employees in the investigation into the leaking of classified information.  Holder, who recused himself from the matter after he'd been interviewed by the FBI about the case last May or June, said the lead "...put American lives at risk."

Holder has also ordered a criminal investigation be opened into the IRS handling of applications for non-profit status from conservative political groups.

Governor Moonbeam has released his latest budget proposal and it calls for even less spending that the prior draft budget he had come up with.  He continues to insist that he will redistribute educational funds to districts with higher populations of poor and non-English speaking children.  "I think it's fair.  I think it's just." is what the governor had to say on the matter.

Angelina Jolie disclosed her choice to have a double mastectomy in an op-ed piece in the NY Times.  If you're curious to read it, it is here:  http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/14/opinion/my-medical-choice.html?hp&_r=0

A U.S. diplomat in Russia was detained for allegedly engaging in espionage activities.  Ryan Christopher Fogle was held overnight before being returned to the U.S. Embassy this morning.  He was subsequently "PNG'd" as the diplo-dunks say (he was given persona non grata status, which means he has to leave the country).

A medical/chiropractic office in Miami has been accused of firing two employees for their refusal to participate in the religious practices of the Church of Scientology.

Billionaire Richard Branson lost a bet, and as a result had to pay off the wager by dressing as a woman.  So he dressed up as a female flight attendant on his own airline and spent the flight serving drinks and making announcements.  You can see for yourself at:  http://omg.yahoo.com/blogs/celeb-news/richard-branson-loses-bet-dresses-lady-010851799.html?vp=1

Tired of Facebook but can't bring yourself to delete your account.  There's an app for that.  Social Roulette gives you a one in six chance of your account being deleted.  Sadly, FB found out about it, and now it is banned.

Chuck Muncie has died.  The three-time Pro Bowl running back's career was cut short by drug use.  Muncie, who finished second in the Heisman Trophy balloting in 1975 overcame his drug problem and became a successful businessman.  He also spent a lot of time working with youth to help them avoid the mistakes he'd made  Muncie was 60.

A 31 year old man is in the custody of Glendale police after he was busted for DUI.  He allegedly attempted to hide beer cans in his daughter's diaper bag, and had his two children in the car with him.  Worse yet, they were not properly secured in child seats.

A Georgia man has found what he thinks is the top-secret recipe for Coca-Cola and he's willing to sell it to you for $15 million on Ebay with their "buy-it-now" feature.  Or you can bid the minimum $5 million and try to get it cheap.

Worried that your cholesterol isn't high enough?  No problem.  Oscar Mayer will put bacon-dogs on the shelves before the end of this month.  That's right, hot dogs with the bacon cooked right into the dog.

Dylan Patton, best known for his role on "Days of Our Lives" was busted by L.A. County Sheriff's deputies for allegedly selling cocaine out of his Agoura Hills home.