Monday, May 13, 2013

Stuff I learned today while having a test and a procedure at the VA hospital

I learned that gargling (or in my case, attempting to gargle) lidocaine sucks.  It tastes awful, is hard to gargle properly and you end up spitting a lot of it out.  It definitely numbs your mouth and throat well though, which is a necessity if they're going to stick a tube down the throat to run a test of your heart.

I learned that Propofol works really well.  They gave me some and I was out before I knew they'd put it into the IV.  One minute I was there, the next I was out and the next thing I knew was waking up afterwards.  They shocked my heart three times trying to get it into a normal rhythym, but it didn't work.

I learned that the procedure room is really, really cold.  Even though it was already getting very warm outside, it was freezing in there.  I wanted another blanket, but couldn't have one.

I learned that the itching can begin almost immediately when someone shaves off your chest hair in order to attach leads for tests.

All very interesting things to learn by getting up at 5 in the morning and getting to the hospital by 6:30.  I won't go in to how I learned once again about "hurry up and wait" stuff.

Kobe Bryant is taking a lot of flak on-line from people who don't know him or his wife, over his refusal to just bend over for his mother and allow her to sell his possessions.  He says he never gave them to her.  Okay, then that stuff is still his.  The mom wants him to buy a million dollar house, rather than the $450,000 one he offered to pay for.  That's a clear sign that she's a greedy person.  I'm sure he's given his folks a lot of money over the years.  Tell her no more, turn off the spigot and let her fend for herself.  Maybe she'll change her attitude when she finds herself in need, rather than in want.

Should employers be using credit reports to make hiring decisions and should people with poor credit be rejected when it comes to hiring?  That's the trend in many industries, but it seems unfair.  Many times someone has poor credit now because they lost a job to the recession.  Some states are passing laws that prohibit employers from using credit reports in the hiring process.  Not sure if that's the answer.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1780, early settlers in Tennessee sign the Cumberland Compact.
On this date in 1787, eleven ships filled with convicts depart from Portsmouth, England headed for Australia.
On this date in 1846, the U.S. declares war on Mexico.
On this date in 1865, the last land battle of the Civil War ended with a Confederate victory at the Battle of Palmito Ranch.
On this date in 1912, the Royal Air Force is established in the UK.
On this date in 1939, the first commercial FM station in the U.S. is launched.  Art Laboe, Gary Owens, the real Don Steele and Charlie Tuna were not among the initial disc jockeys there.
On this date in 1943, the German Afrika Korps and Italian forces in North Africa surrender to the Allies. 
On this date in 1958, Vice-President Nixon is visiting Caracas, Venezuela when his vehicle was attacked by anti-American demonstrators.
On this date in 1985, Philadelphia police storm the headquarters of MOVE.  11 people died during the assault and 250 homes were destroyed.
On this date in 1994, Johnny Carson made his last appearance on television, on the Late Show with David Letterman.

Famous Folk Born on this date:

Pope Innocent XIII
Maria Theresa
Pope Pious IX (why are popes always innocent or pious?  How about Pope Corrupt 1st?)
Arthur Sullivan
Dame Daphne du Maurier
Joe Louis
Bea Arthur
Herbert Ross (directed some fine films)
Jim Jones (someone who really did drink the Kool-aid)
Harvey Keitel
Ritchie Valens
Mary Wells
Magic Dick
Stevie Wonder
Ravi Shankar
Dennis Rodman
Stephen Colbert
Samantha Morton
Mike Bibby
Lena Dunham

Movie Quote of the Day is from 1987's "Good Morning Vietnam" (actually there are two quotes from that film):

Adrian Cronauer: Hey, we're back. That last two seconds of silence was Marcel Marceau's newest hit single, "Walkin In The Wind." And now, here are the headlines. Here they come right now. Pope actually found to be Jewish. Liberace is Anastasia and Ethel Merman jams Russian radar. The East Germans, today, claimed the Berlin Wall was a fraternity prank. Also the Pope decided today to release Vatican-related bath products. An incredible thing, yes, it's the new Pope On A Rope. That's right. Pope On A Rope. Wash with it, go straight to heaven. Thank you.


Richard Nixon: [Adrian has inserted his voice onto the press conference with Nixon] As I leave Vietnam today there will be no doubt in my mind that the Viet cong will be defeated. And this war will be won. It does involve as you have suggested give and take.
Adrian Cronauer: Well I really didn't make that suggestion, sir, I'm sorry.
Lt. Steven Hauk: Why would Cronauer's voice be on this tape?
Private Abersold: I don't know, sir.
Adrian Cronauer: Mr Nixon, thank you for that concise political commentary, but I think I'd rather delve into a more personal for the men in the field. How would you describe your testicles?
Richard Nixon: [Hauk turns to the radio in horror] That they're soft and they're very shallow and they serve no purpose.
Adrian Cronauer: So what are you saying, sir?
Richard Nixon: They lack the physical strength.
Lt. Steven Hauk: Oh, my God. Please don't do this to me.
Adrian Cronauer: How would you describe your sex life with your wife Pat?
Richard Nixon: It is unexciting sometimes.
Adrian Cronauer: Well, you can consider a sex change. There is an operation that can transform you into a female white dane or a very hell wung chihuaua. Mr. Nixon it is rumored that you have smoked marijuana. Are you planning to take some of the marijuana home back to the United States? How would you do that?
Richard Nixon: By plane. By helicopter and also by automobile.

Tax Tip of the Day is doing what I'm doing.  Taking the next two months off.  Email if you have any questions.

Follow me on Twitter.  @Cyclist1959