Saturday, May 11, 2013

Better late than never with Friday's eye-catching headlines

The IRS is in hot water after a top agency official revealed that the IRS' non-profit office in Ohio had been giving applications for non-profit status to groups that used the terms "tea party" and "patriot" in their applications.  The clear indication is that some of the agency's employees were targeting 'conservative' non-profit applications.  There is no evidence that the Obama Administration was involved in any way in how those applications were processed.

One of the brothers behind the "1-800-GET-THIN" ads is facing action from the medical board.

"Star Wars" the next movie is about to begin filming in Great Britain.

When that video first went viral, everyone wondered if it was fake.  You can see that the man pulls the phone away from any danger of it getting wet, BEFORE she throws the drink on him.  Now it turns out that it was staged, and the woman is an employee of the baseball team.  Oh well.

In Pennsylvania, nearly 3 dozen high school students who have never been vaccinized against chicken pox will not be able to attend the prom unless they get the shot.  One of their fellow students has the virus.

In Tennessee, a 5th grade teacher was suspended for three days, without pay, over an incident where the teacher apparently bit a student.  Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

Let's hope the current crop of ice cream truck vendors in Coachella, CA live long, healthy lives, or future generations of children won't be hearing their familiar chimes.  The City of Coachella voted to ban the issuance of new permits for the trucks.

Dutch Brothers coffee outlets in Lane County, Oregon are going to donate all of one day's sales proceeds to help the underfunded county jail.

Lance Stephenson is a member of the NBA's Indiana Pacers.  On Saturday night he will also be the benefactor of one high school couple attending the prom, as he is paying for everything.  He awarded the "ultimate prom experience" to the student he judged had sent in the best essay that "described their personal struggle to remain successful in high school".

Bad news = a woman accidentally flushed her anniversary ring.  More bad news = a plumber was unsuccessful in an attempt to retrieve it.  Good news = city publics works employees took a couple of days, but they recovered it.

Lindsay Lohan may be digging a tunnel to escape from her room at the Betty Ford Center as the doctors there have discontinued her access to Adderall.