Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Is it really "hump day" if you aren't working that week?

It still seems like Wednesday is "hump day" even though I'm not working today.  I feel kind of trapped as I write this, which probably has something to do with most of the area streets being closed or clogged with traffic, due to the discovery of a dozen or so pipe bombs in an apartment roughly three blocks from here.

I've always wondered about people like that, or the Boston marathon bombers.  Do they feel comfortable sleeping in an apartment or house that contains enough explosive to just vaporize them?  Even the most stable of explosives have a fixed level of risk involved with them.  Was there a scene in the movie "The Quick and the Dead" where Leonardo DiCaprio's character was sleeping atop cases of dynamite?  I guess if that much explosive went with you in close proximity, you wouldn't feel much of anything.  You'd be gone in an instant.

Jeremy Affeldt pitches for the Frisco Giants.  But even a Giant can do a good thing.  He noticed an error in his contract and pay that meant he was getting $500,000 that he wasn't entitled to.  The contract was a done deal.  Signed, sealed and delivered.  He could have just kept the money.  He didn't.  He gave it back.  That's an honest man.

I wonder if the bride knew what her husband was out doing on their honeymoon.  What was he doing?  Oh, he was getting arrested for soliciting a prostitute; apparently with the idea that he would return to the honeymoon suite with the hooker, and she could take part in a threesome with he and his new bride.  Will he have a divorce (or annulment) filing waiting for him when he gets out of jail?

Did you know that Columbia University has a "whites-only" scholarship?  I didn't.  The Lydia C. Roberts graduate fellowship requires applicants to be from Iowa, willing to return there for two years after graduation and is restricted to only those of the "Caucasian race".  It hasn't been awarded to anyone since 1997 and now the trustees of the fund are seeking a court order to lift the race restrictions.  The university says it can no longer discriminate on the basis of race due to law and university policy.  What change took place after 1997 when they last gave it out?  And, why is it okay for the United Negro College Fund to give out over $100 million in race-based scholarships to private universities that are historically black?  Morehouse and Spelman in Atlanta are gender-specific schools, where students continue to receive financial aid and student loans through the government, even though they discriminate on the basis of gender and race (although it must be noted that Spelman is only 91% black).  I happen to be in favor of affirmative action in providing educational opportunity, I'm just posing a question.  I spent too many years working in the field of financial aid promoting diversity to not believe in that.  But it is a legitimate question.  Either we need to decide that we're not going to allow any race-based discrimination in awarding scholarship, or if we're going to allow the UNCF to continue operating, if someone wants to establish a "whites-only" scholarship, so be it.  Personally, I would have to stop respecting myself if I took money from such a fund to attend college (a whites-only scholarship fund).

Cheap bastard or smart businessman?  You decide.  Mark Cuban is a billionaire.  He's also a generous donor to charities, so the first label may not fit in any regard.  However, he's posted a blog entry asking fans of his NBA team, the Dallas Mavericks, to submit new uniform designs for possible future use.  There is a catch though.  The Mavericks own the design the minute you post it.  You won't get paid one red cent for your work; although Cuban does say if he likes you and your design, he MAY throw in some tickets.  Cheap.  Make it a contest, offer $500 or $1,000 and some tickets and make sure the contestants know you aren't bound to use the winning design. 

This Date in History:

On this date in 1252, Pope Innocent IV issues a "papal bull" that authorizes the torture of heretics in the Inquisition. (can you hear the word inquistion without imagining Mel Brooks in a musical number?)
On this date in 1536, Anne Boleyn is tried for treason, adultery and incest. 
On this date in 1618, Johannes Kepler confirms the discovery of his third law of planetary motion.
On this date in 1817, the first private mental hospital in the U.S. opens in Philadelphia.
On this date in 1836, Francis Bailey observes "Bailey's Beads" for the first time.
On this date in 1869, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cody Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association.
On this date in 1905, Las Vegas is founded by the auction of 110 acres that are now the "downtown" area.
On this date in 1928, Mickey Mouse appears in his first cartoon, Plane Crazy.
On this date in 1935, the Moscow Metro opens to the public.
On this date in 1940, the Dutch surrender to the Germans in WWII.  The Germans would occupy their nation for five years.
On this date in 1940, the McDonald brothers open their first location in San Bernardino.
On this date in 1953, a Cub Scout master conducts the first ever pinewood derby in Manhattan Beach, CA.
On this date in 1957, Britain tested its first hydrogen bomb at Malden Island.
On this date in 1958, the Soviet Union launches Sputnik 3.
On this date in 1960, the Soviet Union launches Sputnik 4.
On this date in 1970, President Nixon appoints the first two female generals in the U.S. Army.
On this date in 1972, the island of Okinawa reverts to Japanese control for the first time since the end of World War II.
On this date in 1972, Alabama Governor George Wallace is shot and paralyzed while in Laurel Maryland.  Arthur Bremer was convicted of the assassination attempt and spent 35 years in prison before his release in 2007.  Bremer was the inspiration for the "Travis Bickle" character in the film "Taxi Driver".
On this date in 1988, the Soviet Union begins its withdrawal from Afghanistan after more than eight years of combat.
On this date in 2008, California becomes the second state to legalize gay marriage.

Movie Quote of the Day today comes from "Taxi Driver":

Travis Bickle: The days go on and on... they don't end. All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention, I believe that one should become a person like other people.