Saturday, May 11, 2013

I'm free!!

I am finally on my two month mandated break, and it feels so good!!  This song says it very well on my behalf:

It was an interesting last day.  Ostensibly I was there strictly to be making phone calls to people who filed for extensions through one of our offices, and to get them scheduled to come in and finalize their return.  In fact, the headquarters computers already have me as being on break, so I didn't have access to the appointment manager program to make appointments anyway (I found a workaround). 

But I ended up doing a tax return for one client, fixing one for another client (both of whom now want only me to do their returns next year), helping another preparer aid a client who got a deficiency notice from the IRS, and helping two other preparers with other client issues.  Somehow I still got almost all the calls on my list made (I was tired and departed with six calls left to make, after being there for five hours).

Now I'm home, kicking back.  So tired am I, I am skipping something I would otherwise be at the front of the line for.  William Friedkin is an amazing film director.  One of his all-time great films, "The Exorcist" is screening tonight at the old Aero theater.  And, he's going to be in the lobby an hour before showtime, to sign copies of his new book.  Were I not just completely drained, I'd be there, getting an autograph and listening to the Q&A after the film.  Hopefully he will do this again at some point.  But maybe I'm learning something about my life and my body.  A few weeks ago, I'd have just gone, and ignored how tired I am.  Now I'm trying to pay attention so that I don't let my ego write checks my body can't cash.

A paramedic in West, Texas was arrested for possession of a pipe bomb and suddenly everyone is trying to link him to the explosion at the fertilizer plant that destroyed much of the town.  Jumping to conclusions.  Never a good idea.  Let law enforcement investigate.  The media shouldn't be engaging in this idle speculation.  Report, don't make the news.

That is an opinion piece written by a woman who sleeps with married men and has no remorse.  Worse yet, she tries to blame her behavior on our society for imposing "sexual monogamy" even though she claims it has been "outdated for decades".

Ridiculous.  Why?  Because the choice to marry is just that.  A choice.  No one forces you to vow to foresake all others.  People who don't want their marriage to include sexual monogamy are free to re-write the standard vows and exclude that phrase.  It is an obligation that is entered into willingly.

I can safely say that I will never be guilty of sexual infidelity, ever.  Nor was I ever guilty of it during my time on this planet until this date.  If I'd wanted to have sex outside either of my marriages, it would simply have been time to go and get a divorce.  So for her to claim no one should say what they will or won't do is also silly.

If you don't want to be faithful to someone, don't make the promise.  If you can no longer keep the promise, take action to no longer be held reponsible for keeping it.  But don't blame society or outmoded mores and folkways.  Put the blame where it belongs.  On the person who is cheating, and the person they are cheating with.  Especially when the person they are cheating with knows that they are cheating and still has sex with them.

This Date in History:

On this date in 868, "The Diamond Sutra" was printed in China, making it the oldest printed book.
On this date in 912, Alexander becomes Emperor of the Byzantine Empire.
On this date in 1310, 54 members of the Knights Templar are burned at the stake as heretics, in France.
On this date in 1502, Christopher Columbus sets sail for his fourth and final voyage to the West Indies.
On this date in 1647, Peter Stuyvesant arrives in New Amsterdam as Director-General of New Netherland.
On this date in 1820, HMS Beagle was launched.  It would later have a passenger who would become world famous.
On this date in 1846, President James K. Polk asks Congress for and receives a Declaration of War against Mexico.
On this date in 1858, Minnesota is admitted as the 32nd state.
On this date in 1924, Mercedes-Benz is formed by Gottleib Daimler and Karl Benz merging their two companies.
On this date in 1927, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is founded.
On this date in 1949, Siam formally changes its name to Thailand.
On this date in 1949, Israel joins the United Nations.
On this date in 1960, four agents of Israel's Mossad capture Adolph Eichmann in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
On this date in 1973, charges against Daniel Ellsberg regarding the release of the Pentagon Papers are dismissed, due to government misconduct.
On this date in 1987, the first ever heart-lung transplant takes place in Baltimore.

Famous Folk Born on this date:

Baron Munchhausen
Chang and Eng Bunker (conjoined twins)
Irving Berlin
Martha Graham
Rip Sewell (creator of the "Eephus pitch" in baseball)
Phil Silvers
Foster Brooks (played a drunk on TV, had a license plate that read "A Lush", but stopped drinking before he became a success)
Denver Pyle (Uncle Jesse!!)
Louis Farrakhan
Doug McClure
Eric Burdon
Robert Jarvik
Frances Fisher
Mike Lupica
Warren Littlefield
David Gest
Christian Brando
Martha Quinn (she looks so young...)
Natasha Richardson
Katie Wagner
Coby Bell

Movie Quote of the day comes from the brilliant 1973 film "Sleeper", starring Woody Allen and Diane Keaton who had this exchange:

Luna Schlosser: It's hard to believe that you haven't had sex for 200 years.
Miles Monroe: 204, if you count my marriage.

Tax Tip of the Day:  If you're married and you and you wife do not file a joint return, you are limited in how you can file.  You can't file as Head of Household if you live in the same home, unless you are legally separated.