Monday, March 07, 2016

Rhythm is an interesting thing

At this moment, for the first time in over a dozen years, I am walking in rhythm.  Sinus rhythm.  That's because I underwent a procedure known as cardioversion this morning.  Considering they shock the heart, they do it under general anesthesia.  I'd had this procedure before, two years back and it was not successful.  The difference this time is directly connected to the fact my doctors prescribed some drugs known as antiarrthymic agents and was probably helped by the fact I've somehow managed to lose 26 pounds since last December.

I'm very grateful to my friends who were there to help me out with this.  Monica, for getting me to the hospital on time.  Anita who would have picked me up had the nurse not already called my mother.  My mom for coming to take me home.  All those who wished me luck before and congratulations afterward.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to remain in a normal rhythm because it means my chances of living a longer life are improved.  It's only one health issue dealt with (hopefully) of a long list, but one step at a time.