Monday, February 15, 2016

The Will of the People

“This should be a decision for the people. If the Democrats want to replace this nominee, they need to win this election,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said on ABC's “This Week” on Sunday.

Senator Cruz, I have a message for you.  The people made their decision you partisan pusillanimous prick.  They elected President Obama.  Twice.  There is no text in our nation's Constitution where the president loses his or her authority to appoint justices to the Supreme Court when we enter a presidential election year.

You're so freaking clueless that you prattle on about how no justice was confirmed in an election year for eight decades.  Considering that Justice Kennedy was confirmed in 1988, either your math or your knowledge of history is woefully inadequate.

It was a Republican president, Dwight David Eisenhower, who appointed Justice Brennan in 1956, shortly before the election that year.  He did so in a blatant attempt to garner support among the electorate.  So what you're doing 60 years later is even worse. 

The role of the Senate is to "advise and consent" and yet for the last seven plus years you and your fellow Republicans have done nothing but obstruct.

In point of fact, you and the other less than qualified candidates for the Republican nomination have a golden opportunity here.  To prove that you are more interested in solutions than in obstruction.  Be a force FOR hearings and confirmation of whoever President Obama nominates.  Engage in an objective process of advise and consent.  Then vote your conscience.  If you have one.