Sunday, March 06, 2016

Steven Seagal and Donald Trump

Saturday night was Steven Seagal night on AMC and watching some of the old favorites from Seagal's early days made me realize that some of the titles provide excellent metaphors with what's wrong with the notion of Donald Trump as President.

Above the Law - As far as Donald Trump is concerned, the rules don't apply to him.  He constantly violated societal mores and folkways and we've just learned he consistently violated the GOP debate rules by consulting with his campaign manager during breaks.  In fact, at the most recent debate on Fox New Channel, Trump's campaign manager actually went onto the stage during a commercial break and talked to the Donald.  This was the most brazen violation yet, as in the past they've employed at least some subterfuge in their rule-breaking.

Hard to Kill - No matter what Donald Trump says, it is impossible to make his legion of sycophant supporters aware of his failings as a candidate and as a human being.  Trump trumpets his business acumen and attempts to excuse his four business bankruptcy filings as being good business.  Not so for those who invested in his businesses.  The bondholders of the junk bonds that financed his first hotel/casino to file for bankruptcy lost millions.  The banks that were involved lost millions.  Trump lost half of his stake in a business he'd run up a $4 billion debt financing.  Trump Airlines is another example.  He bought an airline shuttle service, gold-plated the faucets and installed other luxuries and then defaulted on his loans.  It failed.  But we don't see those failures on his resume, or in the eyes of his supporters.

Executive Decision - I love this film if for no other reason that we get to see Steven Seagal dying the ignominious death the Trump campaign is so deserving of.  But it points out another fatal flaw that a Trump presidency would expose.  There is an adage in the military.  You can't be a leader until you've learned to be a follower.  Trump has never been anyone's follower.  He has no real concept of leadership, although he has some management skills.  Some.

Under Siege - The idea that the United States of America, where we have a Statue of Liberty welcoming all would close the golden door to people solely because there is a possibility that their faith may be an indicator that they might be terrorists is possibly Trump's biggest failing.