Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Stuff

The IRS "targeting" scandal seems to have gotten lost.  With the Edward Snowden disclosures and manhunt going on, most other government 'scandal' seems to have fallen by the wayside.  That's not good.  Studies seem to indicate that the IRS isn't up to the jobs it has now, especially in the wake of cuts in the agency's budgets in recent years.

Send correspondence to the IRS and they usually respond quickly, telling you only that they've received your correspondence and it will take time for them to respond.  Not too long ago I wrote a letter on behalf of someone else's tax client (he's my client now) about a fairly simple, albeit obscure issue.  Six weeks later, the IRS hadn't responded to this letter, but was now sending a demand for payment.  I told him to send them another copy of the earlier letter to them with a copy of this most recent letter and a short note saying the IRS hadn't yet responded to his first demonstration that he had done exactly what the Internal Revenue Code said was legal.

Why is it important to worry about the IRS ability to do the jobs it has now, when they're not up to the task?  Because the service is going to be taking on new jobs in upcoming years as it deals with the provisions of "Obamacare".  If it can't do the job it has now, efficiently and in a timely manner, how will it perform with more work and an even worse ratio of available manhours to workload?

The answer is actually simple.  Increase their budget.  Streamline processing.  More on this later.

* * *

I listened to some people I know who were somewhat blase about their Father's Day celebrations.  I understand.  While my father was alive, a phone call and a card was more than enough.  One or the other was usually the norm, although some years I did manage both.  Then came that period of nearly eight years where I did not speak to my father.  After that, I called him regularly, not just on Father's Day. 

I remember our last phone conversation very vividly.  It was morning and I pulled over on the way to work to call him on my cell.  He'd been going downhill rapidly in condition but I didn't know the end was this close.  He answered right away, but after saying hi, he said he was having trouble breathing and I should call him again later.  I promised that I would.  But I couldn't.  He lapsed into a coma soon after and all too soon afterward came the decision to halt his suffering.  He was on life-support and wasn't coming back.

So if I seem a bit critical of my friends who are so matter-of-fact about spending time with their fathers, I do have an excuse.  I'd give a lot to spend just one more day, Father's Day or not, with mine.

* * *

The NSA is collecting metadata.  It's all about who is calling whom on the phone.  I'm sure that the long list of people I've called since getting out of the hospital is on-file somewhere within the NSA's computers.  That bothers me.

But has anyone looked at it for any purpose at all?  I doubt it.  Here's the thing.  I understand the need to gather data to prevent terrorist activities.  I'm willing to give up a bit of my privacy if it will further those aims.  There just isn't the need in this case.

If there is sufficient cause to get someone's phone records, grab a FISA warrant.  It doesn't take long.  Not long enough to justify the need to have the metadata on hand to speed the search.  When phone records weren't computerized, it was different.  Now all you need to do is serve a warrant on a carrier and they have the records moments later.  So why does the NSA have to have them on-hand before the need to search arises?

This doesn't excuse what Edward Snowden did.  But it does highlight something our government needs to not be doing.

* * *

This Date in History:

On this date in 1487, the Battle of Stokes Field takes place.  It is the final engagement of the War of the Roses.
On this date in 1586, Mary Queen of Scots recognizes Phillip II of Spain as her heir and successor.
On this date in 1846, Pope Pius IX is elected Pope, beginning the longest reign in the history of the papacy.
On this date in 1858, President Abraham Lincoln delivers a speech where he says "a house divided against itself cannot stand."
On this date in 1903, the Ford Motor Company is incorporated.
On this date in 1911, IBM is founded as the Computing-Tabulating Company.
On this date in 1961, Rudolph Nureyev defects from the Soviet Union.
On this date in 1963, Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space.
On this date in 1963, the Monterey Pop Festival begins.
On this date in 1976, the Soweto uprising begins.
On this date in 1981, President Ronald Reagan awards the Congressional Gold Medal to Ken Taylor. He was the Canadian ambassador to Iran who helped six Americans escape from Iran during the hostage crisis.  First foreign citizen to receive this honor.
On this date in 2010, Bhutan becomes the first nation to totally ban tobacco.

Famous Folk Born on This Date:

John Cleveland
Adam Smith
Stan Laurel
Barbara McClintock
Jack Albertson
Katharine Graham
Erich Segal
Billy "Crash" Craddock
Lamont Dozier
Eddie Levert
Joan Van Ark
Ron LeFlore
Roberto Duran (both "hands of stone" and "no mas no mas")
Gino Vannelli (makes you just want to stop, eh?)
Laurie Metcalf
Clifton Collins Jr.
Phil Mickelson
Tupac Shakur
Eddie Cibrian
Petros Papadakis
Diana DeGarmo

Movie Quotes of the day comes from 1972's "The Poseidon Adventure" (Jack Albertson was in it):

Nurse Gina Rowe: They're suppositories Mr Rogo. You don't swallow them.
Mike Rogo: Then what the hell do you do with them?
Linda Rogo: For Christ's sake! I know what to do with suppositories. Just get them outta here!


[Steam covers the escape route. Looking up]
Reverend Frank Scott: What more do you want of us? We've come all this way, no thanks to you. We did it on our own, no help from you.
[moves closer to steam valve]
Reverend Frank Scott: We did ask you to fight for us but damn it, don't fight against us! Leave us alone! How many more sacrifices? How much more blood?
[jumps to steam valve. Steam burns his hands as he hangs there]
Reverend Frank Scott: How many more lives?
[Starts turning valve]
Reverend Frank Scott: Belle wasn't enough. Acres wasn't. Now this girl! You want another life? Then take me!
[Steam stops. Turns on valve to face survivors]
Reverend Frank Scott: You can make it. Keep going. Rogo! Get them through.
[falls into flaming water below]