Saturday, June 15, 2013

News on Saturday that I noticed

We know that Bryan Stow, the Giants fan and paramedic who was severely beaten at opening day at Dodger Stadium two years ago was recently sent home from the Bakersfield rehabilitation center; because his insurance had run out.  The L.A. Times reported that story on Thursday.  What I don't understand is why they're running a new story on the subject today, saying almost exactly what the story two days ago said.  It's important news, but with no new developments...

The other day a parking space in San Francisco was sold for $82,000.  Now that seems like chump change, after two spaces in Boston were sold at auction for $560,000.

In the Tuscon region, U.S. Border Patrol agents have rescued 177 people in the Arizona desert.  All rescued are suspected of entering the U.S. illegally.

Iran's next president is not a member of that nation's "hard-line" faction.  Hassan Rowhani is considered a centrist.  The 64 year old cleric received 50.7% of the votes cast, avoiding a run-off election.

A statue of Bruce Lee reaching nearly eight feet in height will be unveiled tonight in L.A.'s Chinatown.  It will be on display temporarily during Chinatown Summer Nights, but the organizers behind the statue still need to raise $150,000 to give it a permanent home.

In Burbank, a woman working in a cosmetics kiosk at a mall was bitten by a man who first tried to kiss her. 

In Riverside, 30 dogs are now in the custody of Animal Services, after they were abandoned in a house where the renter had been evicted.

A Michigan man is seeking to overturn the ban on gay men donating blood.  While there is a federal law imposing the ban, he is trying to get the FDA to reverse their policy on the issue, which might result in the law being repealed.

In Pennsylvania a family credits their 14 week old kitten with saving their lives.  "Alaska" jumped on Hillary Smith and pawed at her until she awoke and realized the house was on fire.  While she, her fiance and a 2 year old child were saved, the house was a total loss.

Since Lululemon posted a "fake" ad seeking a new CEO, 160 people have submitted applications.

In Detroit, David Sole retired this past January after 22 years with the city's water department.  Now Kevyn Orr, the emergency manager of the city's finances is halting payment on the $11.5 billion the city has in unsecured debts.  Sole's simple question is, "how am I supposed to live without my pension?"  More on this in tomorrow's daily blog.

I'm reimposing my ban on all news items Kardashian in my headline blogs, so the next item has been deleted to comply with this ban.

The Clippers and the Celtics are talking deal and it might bring both Kevin Garnett and coach Doc Rivers to Los Angeles.  It would be a blockbuster deal.

The guy who sold off his wife's $23,000 wedding ring for $5 at a garage sale is off the hook.  The ring was returned.

Robert Kraft is the owner of the New England Patriots.  He had three Super Bowl championship rings.  Until Vladimir Putin stole one.  Seriously.

L.A. County DFCS has told Charlie Sheen's ex-wife, Brooke Mueller to stay away from her kids after she gets out of rehab.