Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Trouble in my hometown

The third shooting in the past five days in Santa Monica, all on or near the Santa Monica College campus took place on Tuesday morning.  Two men in an alley near the intersection of 16th and Michigan were shot by a third man who walked up and started shooting.  One of the two victims has died.  The second victim was still in surgery at last report.  After having only one murder in 2012 and two in 2011, Santa Monica has had six in five days.

L.A. County will end its relationship with Teen Happy Homes, following a vote of the Board of Supervisors to terminate the contract.

The debate over immigration reform in the U.S. Senate has begun, following an 82-15 vote to hold the discussions.

You know Jared.  The Subway guy.  The guy who lost all that weight eating just Subway's six-inch turkey subs?  Well, he's kept the weight off for fifteen years now and as a result he has:  a "black" card that gets him unlimited free food at any Subway and he is worth $15 million.

Is Jim Carrey just not the box-office powerhouse he once was?  Warner Brothers has passed on the proposed "Dumb and Dumber To" sequel. 

If the Chicago Police Department had a "frequent arrestee" program, Shermain Miles would be on a level higher than platinum.  Since 1978, she's been arrested 396  times.

At 63 years of age, NBA Hall of Famer "Dr J" Julius Erving has still got it.  Maybe he can't jump from a running start at the free throw line to throw down, but there is new video of him dunking a ball.  At age 63!!

In the saddest, most tragic thing I've heard in some time, a five year old child who survived the Oklahoma City tornado has been mauled to death by a dog at the home where he'd been sent to live.

A man who lived in a van while going to graduate school at Duke University to avoid taking out any student loans has chronicled his story in a new book.  "Walden on Wheels:  On the Open Road from Debt to Freedom" is his tome.

In the wake of the scandal involving NSA monitoring of U.S. citizens and residents, sales of George Orwell's "1984" are skyrocketing.

Maria Menounos is now claiming that when she and Dane Cook (both rabid fans of the Boston Celtics) were seated courtside during the 2010 NBA Finals at a game at Staples Center, Jack Nicholson got them kicked out of their seats.  No comment from Nicholson...yet.

An upscale sushi restaurant in New York has banned tipping, putting all staff on salary with paid time off.

Yes, that was Moe the bartender, Apu from the Kwiki-Mart and Chief Wiggums, all from "The Simpsons" that introduced the Dodgers' lineup at a game over the weekend.  Hank Azaria, the voice for all three and more Simpsons characters had a bit of fun.