Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm a little frustrated today

I'll make a confession.  I hate having to get dressed up nice (shirt with collar, tie, dress slacks, and so on) but I do it for work because it's required.  I would be willing to do it this evening, but I won't get the opportunity that I desire.  I would love to dress up and then take my mother to her favorite restaurant for dinner.  That would be Lawry's The Prime Rib, on Restaurant Row in Beverly Hills.

Because today is my mother's 75th birthday.  She is an amazing woman.  She's caring for my step-dad, still working and still involved in the lives of her children.  She doesn't gripe, she just smiles and deals with whatever curveballs life sends her way.

Some who know me say that I'm my father's son.  I bear a resemblance to him, in some aspects I think like him and I am the first-born.  But I learned a lot of important things from mom.  She taught me to care about others and be willing to do for them first.  She taught me compassion.  She is just as responsible as dad, if not more so, for teaching me to be a critical thinker.  She is why I love learning, reading and am an information junkie.

But tonight is just not doable.  She has to stay home and take care of her husband.  That's fine. I told her I owe her a dinner at her favorite place and I will pay off.

* * *

Speaking of mom's favorite restaurant, yesterday was their 75th birthday.  They celebrated by selling their 10 ounce prime rib dinner, complete with beverage for the same price it was on opening day.  $1.25.  Right now, on any normal day, it would be $42.  The line started forming at 2 a.m. and since it was limited in number, I'm sure they sold out.  I just can't stand in line that long, or I'd have been there.

* * *

The F-35 fighter jet program is having problems and that's a shame.  The basic concept is sound.  Rather than the Navy having one plane and the Air Force another, with the Marines having a variant of the Navy version or their own, they decided to have a common airframe and modifications to serve specific missions.  But cost-overruns and other problems are making this into a sacred cow that will cost just too much money. 

While terrorism is slowly replacing military attack as the major threat we face, we can't just unilaterally disarm yet.  But maybe it's time to explore alternatives.  Upgrading the existing fleet of fighters and lengthening their lifespan.  Better maintenance.  Or fix whatever is wrong with the new jet.  But do something.

* * *

There's a 72 year old woman in Anaheim that's being celebrated for having used a handgun to defend herself and her older, disabled husband when someone tried to break into their home.  Opponents of gun ownership and gun controls are saying she's a great example of how guns can be used to keep people safe.

She would have been.  Except for one tiny little thing.  She fired her weapon before the burglar managed to enter the house.  So either she was trying to hit him while he was still outside, or she was firing a warning shot.  Either is the wrong thing to do.

I am very well trained in when to shoot and when not to shoot.  Part of that training means I'm going to aim for center mass if I reach the point where it is time to fire.  And, I'm going to hit what I'm aiming at.  You don't shoot when the person is still outside your home.  You aren't in jeopardy yet.

Is she brave?  Yes.  Is she to be admired for using a gun to defend her home?  Maybe.  But should she get kudos for actually firing?  No.  Bullets have this funny habit of hitting things, especially when they don't hit what you were aiming at.

* * *

This Date in History:

On this date in 1429, Joan of Arc leads her forces to the capture of Suffolk.
On this date in 1560, Oda Nobunaga defeats Imagawa Yoshimoto at the Battle of Okehazama.
On this date in 1775, British General Gage declares martial law in Massachusetts.
On this date in 1898, the Philippines declare their independence from Spain.
On this date in 1939, the Baseball Hall of Fame opens in Cooperstown, NY.
On this date in 1940, 30,000 British and French troops surrender to General Rommel.
On this date in 1942, Anne Frank gets a diary on her 13th birthday.
On this date in 1963, Medger Evers is murdered in front of his home.
On this date in 1964, Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison.
On this date in 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Loving v Virginia, declares any state law prohibiting interracial marriage to be unconstitutional.
On this date in 1978, David Berkowitz, aka "Son of Sam" is sentenced to 365 years in prison.
On this date in 1987, President Ronald Reagan challenges Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall".
On this date in 1991, Boris Yeltsin is elected President of Russia.
On this date in 1992, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman are murdered.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Otto Skorzeny
Irwin Allen
Uta Hagen
Peter Jones
George H. W. Bush
Vic Damone
Anne Frank
Jim Nabors (happy 83rd, Gomer Pyle)
Mamo Wolde
Marv Albert
Chick Corea
Tess Gerritsen
Timothy Busfield (happy 56th, Poindexter)
Jenilee Harrison
Bobby Sheehan
Rick Hoffman
Kendra Wilkinson

Movie quote of the day comes from "Revenge of the Nerds":

[Lewis and Gilbert are discussing Gilbert's girlfriend, innocently]
Booger: Big deal! Did you get in her pants?
Gibert: She's not that kind of girl, Booger.
Booger: Why? Does she have a penis?


Takashi: Excuse please, but why do they call you "booger"?
Booger: [picking his nose] I don't know.


Coach Harris: Shit! We forgot to practice.