Thursday, June 13, 2013

High heels are dangerous

Not just to women walking in them, although those dangers are well-documented.  However their ability to function as a deadly weapon has resulted in the death of a Houston area college professor.  Ana Trujillo struck her boyfriend repeatedly with one of her stilettos, leaving him dead in a very bloody crime scene. 

I read that and now everytime I see a woman walking down the street in stiletto heels I'm going to wonder if she's a potential murderer.  Since heels can kill, should women have to register them with the police?  Should their length be limited, so they won't kill so easily?  Maybe purchasers of stiletto heels should have to undergo a thorough background check before they are allowed to take their purchase home.

So why should stiletto heels be different from guns, since either can kill.  After all, guns don't kill people, people kill people.  Wouldn't it then follow that stiletto heels don't kill people, people kill people.  Ah, I see, the difference is I can't kill at a distance with a stiletto heel and I can't kill multiple people with one.

George Russell Weller killed ten people in Santa Monica, in about two minutes.  He didn't have to fire a shot.  He used his car.  So is it a case of cars don't kill people, people don't kill people as well?

You're legally obligated to have a license and insurance to drive a car.  You are legally mandated to go through a background check before you can buy a gun.  But the funny thing is, people who are willing to shoot others really don't care too much about the law.  So a law mandating a background check and other restrictions on gun ownership won't deter criminals from acquiring guns.  Therefore, these things won't work.

That's the argument.  But it fails.  Why?  Because those who don't have criminal records, those who don't have a recent history of mental illness can legally buy guns.  Once those guns are in their home, someone who doesn't meet those standards can get their hands on them.  The Sandy Hook school shooter didn't go out and buy his guns.  He took them from his mother who owned them legally.  He shot and killed her first.

Those who advocate gun rights and the legality of gun ownership talk a lot about self-reliance and being responsible for themselves.  Fine.  Let's pass a new law.  The legal owner of a gun is responsible for any and all deaths that gun may cause, even if it was stolen or taken without their permission.  Anyone who owns a firearm that is used to kill is automatically an accessory before the fact. 

You want to own a gun, great.  Make sure it never falls into the hands of someone who is going to use it to kill another person.  You won't have any problems if you can do that.  If you're afraid that you can't keep your gun or guns secure from theft or use by those not authorized to use them, don't own them.

We can't make 200 million or more guns just disappear.  But we can make their owners accountable for what those guns are used for.  Liable both on a criminal and a civil level.

* * *

Things I'm pondering today:

Why haven't the Dodgers stepped up and offered to pay to keep Bryan Stow in the rehab facility his insurer will no longer pay for?  They could do that without admitting liability.

Did anyone really expect that scumbag who kept those women prisoner for over a decade in Cleveland to do anything but plead not guilty?

Did Wendy Deng sign a pre-nup before her marriage to Rupert Murdoch?  Since he's worth over $11 billion and they're divorcing, it is kind of important.

Is it smart to hire Jason Kidd as an NBA head coach when he has no coaching experience at all?

What kind of scumbag would damage a college football icon like Howard's Rock?  Playful pranks like stealing a mascot don't do permanent damage. This does.

Would you live in a decomissioned nuclear missile silo?  One is for sale in New York.

Why is it we hear only men doing the voice-overs for movie trailers?

Who the hell would be stupid enough to lie during jury selection for the trial of George Zimmerman that they knew nothing about the case when they've posted about it on Facebook?

Does Kris Jenner really think she'll inspire women to do anything other than exploit their kids and attain total vapidity?

* * *

This Date in History:

On this date in 1525, Martin Luther marries Katharina von Bara, violating the Church's rule about celibacy.
On this date in 1774, Rhode Island becomes the first colony to ban the importation of slaves.
On this date in 1927, aviator Charles Lindbergh is given a ticker-tape parade in New York City.
On this date in 1970, "The Long and Winding Road" becomes the last #1 hit for The Beatles.
On this date in 1971, the New York Times begins to publish the "Pentaton Papers".
On this date in 1983, Pioneer 10 becomes the first man-made object to leave the solar system.
On this date in 1994, a jury finds Exxon and Joseph Hazelwood responsible for the oil spill of the Exxon Valdez.
On this date in 2000, South Korean President Kim Dae Jung meets North Korean President Kim Jong-il in the first-ever inter-Korea summit.
On this date in 2002, the U.S. withdraws from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.
On this date in 2005, a jury acquits Michael Jackson of molesting Gavin Arvizo.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Charles the Bald (I kid you not)
Charles the Fat (I kid you not)
Winfield Scott
William Butler Yeats
Basil Rathbone (What school did Watson attend?  Elementary, elementary)
Paavo Nurmi
Red Grange
Ralph Edwards (the man responsible for some having to say their hometown is Truth or Consequences, New Mexico)
Don Budge
Malcolm McDowell
Ban Ki-Moon
Joe Roth
Stellan Skarsgard
Hannah Storm
Laura Knightlinger
Leeann Tweeden

Movie quote of the day comes from "Broadcast News":

Blair Litton: Except for socially, you're my role model.


Blair Litton: Oh, you think anyone who's proud of the work we do is an ass-kisser.
Aaron Altman: No, I think anyone who puckers up their lips and presses it against their bosses buttocks and then *smooches* is an ass-kisser.
Blair Litton: My gosh... and for a while there I was attracted to you.
Aaron Altman: Well, wait a minute, that changes everything!


[after Paul fires one of his workers]
Paul Moore: Now, if there's anything I can do for you...
Employee: Well, I certainly hope you'll die soon.


Jane Craig: I-I can't help you. Sorry, I'm not here to teach remedial reporting.

(In case it isn't already clear, I really love this movie)