Thursday, May 16, 2013

What's news on Thursday?

Bill Murray's "Carl Spackler" in "Caddyshack" may have known that it was a candy bar and not "poop" that he ate after cleaning the pool, but a recent study by the Center for Disease Control indicates that more than half of public pools tested contain bacterial evidence that someone pooped in the pool.

Daniel Werfel, currently controller of the federal Office of Management and Budget will become the interim director of the IRS in the wake of the forced resignation of Steven Miller.

Teens Happy Homes is a foster home contractor with L.A. County that the Board of Supervisors may vote to end ties with.  They have a history of misspending and child abuse.

A 19 year old Santa Monica College student phoned in threats to shoot up the campus there, and at East Los Angeles Community College, causing lockdown and evacuations before turning himself in this morning.

Bill Gates is once again the world's richest person, retaking a title he had not held since 2007 from Mexico's Carlos Slim.

The New England Patriots are not going to be very popular among their fans with Type II Diabetes, after they released Kyle Love based on his being diagnosed with the disease.  He is healthy and many athletes have had successful careers while suffering from the affliction.  He hopes to catch on with another team.

Someone paid $1.9 million for a "topless" portrait of the late Bea Arthur.

Venezuela is currently suffering from a shortage of toilet paper and the government claims it is an anti-Bolivarian conspiracy.

Reports are that convicted scammer/thief Bernie Madoff can't sleep at night in prison, claiming he is haunted by his son's suicide.

22 candidates are seeking the office of Mayor of Detroit in spite of the fact that the city is rapidly speeding toward being forced to file for bankruptcy.  Current mayor, former NBA star Dave Bing isn't running for reelection because most of the power of the office was lost when the state of Michigan appointed an "emergency manager" to run the city's finances.

Elsa Bailey celebrated her 100th birthday by taking what she called "one last ski" on the slopes at Arapahoe Basin Ski Area in Keystone, CO.

EHarmony is an internet dating site, but now they plan to try to match prospective employees with employers.

As OJ Simpson continues to try to win a new trial, the judge who presided over the original trial that put him into a Nevada prison says that he deserves to be there.

At a Steak and Shake restaurant in Indiana, a server was getting a rough time from a table of diners.  Another patron who witnessed this felt bad for the server and left her a larger than normal tip.  A tip that amounted to a 7,000% gratuity.  "Miss Jo" a regular on Wednesday mornings left a tip of $446 on a check of $5.97.

In 2006, Congress passed a law designed to stop predatory lending practices being used on military personnel.  A new report shows that nothing has changed and in one case, a soldier based in South Carolina borrowed $1,600 and paid $15,000 in interest over the next 32 months.

Barry Beach is back in a Montana prison after a judge's order that he be released and granted a new trial was overturned by the Montana State Supreme Court.  He'd been free for more than a year before being ordered back to prison.  He and his supporters maintain that he is innocent.

An Illinois man facing foreclosure on his house found the answer to his financial woes in an odd place, a cookie jar.  Inside the jar was a lottery ticket he'd purchased that had won him a jackpot of nearly $5 million.  He'd had the ticket for months.

Women who can't get enough Sriracha sauce can now buy some hot, high heels with the Sriracha design on them.