Monday, March 11, 2013

Books, books, who has the library?

Welcome to the latest installment of "As The Assisted Living Facility Turns".  As our story opens, there are changes afoot as the renovations continue at "Happy Acres" (a new nickname for this place that just dawned on me).  One of the changes is that the old library upstairs will become the office for the Facility Director.  This raises the issue of what to do with all the books, since the new space for them is nowhere near as large.

One of the residents had sought permission from the Facility Director to go through and discard the "older books".  So on Saturday she was boxing up books, mostly paperbacks by popular authors that several of the residents read and re-read often.  Two other residents spotted her and aside from wondering who had given her the authority to do this, they didn't want those books discarded.  They managed to stop the process.

Now the President has gotten involved and learned that this was a sanctioned disposal attempt, although it wasn't being done as described or envisioned.  The President has spoken to the Facility Director and the Facility Director will go through the books herself and decide what stays and what goes.

One thing that makes this amusing is that when confronted, the resident trying to discard the books was asked who gave this task to her.  She replied "I've been in charge of these books for twelve years now".  Interesting, since she's only lived in the facility for six or seven years.

There are some beautiful old movie posters now hanging in the hallways and the dining room and the appearance of the facility is much improved.

Till next time....