Sunday, March 10, 2013

Random musings

Why does the U.S. government bother paying out a "burial benefit" of $255?  It has been that amount for as long as I can remember and that's going back to the mid 1970s.  What's the point?  You can't even cremate someone for that sum.

Two defense contractors are at war over which will get a contract for light support aircraft, that will be worth as much as $1 billion.  Politicians from the two states involved are doing their best to tilt the decision in favor of the business that would most benefit their constituents.  In other words, politics as usual.

Jan Perry, member of the City Council who finished 4th in the mayoral primary has made a spot-on observation regarding how the close union ties to whoever wins the run-off election in May may be a death-knell to independent politics.  If you think that California, L.A. County and the City of Los Angeles face a bigger future problem than unfunded pension liabilities for current employees, I'd love to hear what it is.

Did you know that there used to be rose-colored glasses that were placed on chickens to keep them from attacking one another at the sight of blood?  The colored glass makes it so that they can't see that which would send them into a frenzy.  Perhaps the politicians pulling the wool over our eyes have taken a lesson from that.  Or from the original writings of L. Frank Baum, wherein the residents of the Emerald City had worn green glasses for so long they'd come to believe the Emerald City really was green.

Ashley Judd is set to run for the U.S. Senate in Kentucky.  I don't have a problem with her running because of her politics, or because she's a famous actress.  My problem is a lack of experience in elective office.  I don't think it's appropriate for someone who has never served in an elective office at any level to run for the Senate.  The House would be a better place to start.  I don't even expect everyone who runs for the House of Representatives to have experience at the state or local level.  But jumping from private citizen to become one of 100 who can with their one vote, bring the government to a halt is asking too much of anyone.

I just read a man's letter to Dear Abby saying people think he is gay.  He says one woman lambasted him for denying it, saying her "gaydar" is never wrong and he should just admit it to himself.  What an utterly rude thing to say.  If he considers her a friend, he needs to reconsider.  Abby's advice to him was good, but her failure to comment on this act of cruelty and rudeness was sad.

Sofia Vergara's costumer for the upcoming "Machete Kills" borrowed an idea from the "Austin Powers" films, putting the actress into a bra with machine guns blazing from it.  Make your own joke about her boobs.

So now it is looking like that the woman who was killed by a lion in a preserve near Fresno didn't enter the lion's cage after all.  Her family is saying that the lion pried open the gate and got out, and then "swatted" the woman so hard she died instantly in what was described as "rough play".  Why the cat was able to pry the door open is a question that must be answered, if this is true.

Why do people who have had too much to drink insist on driving?  One man is legless and another has lost one leg and will likely lose the other after an incident near a strip club where a drunk driver plowed into them.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1629, Charles I dissolved Parliament.
On this date in 1804, the Louisiana Purchase is concluded with a formal ceremoney.
On this date in 1831, King Louis-Philippe founds the Légion étrangère (French Foreign Legion).
On this date in 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo is ratified by the Senate, ending the Mexican-American war.
On this date in 1933, there was a major earthquake in Long Beach, killing 115 people.
On this date in 1952, Fulgencio Batista leads a successful coup in Cuba. (no relation to the WWE Superstar)
On this date in 1969, James Earl Ray pled guilty to the murder of Dr. Martin LutherKing.  He later withdrew his guilty plea.
On this date in 1970, Captain Ernest Medina was charged with war crimes for the My Lai Massacre.

Famous Folk Born on This Date:

Toshitshugu Takamatsu (ninja grandmaster)
James Earl Ray (yeah, it was his birthday when he pled guilty above)
Joe Viterelli (After shooting a gun in 'Analyze This' Billy Crystal as "Doc Sobel" says:  "Jelly, did I do that?"  Viterelli as "Jelly" says "No Doc.  that one's mine.  You got the 72 Chevy and the Amana side-by-side refrigerator-freezer).  RIP, Joe.
Chuck Norris ( "Sakura...")
Paul Haggis (co-creator of 'Walker: Texas Ranger)
Osama bin Laden
Shannon Tweed
Sharon Stone
Lance Burton
Mitch Gaylord
Jasmine Guy
Edie Brickell
Carrie Underwood
Olivia Wilde

Today is the 25th anniversary of the passing of Andy Gibb.