Monday, March 11, 2013

I punched a guy's lights out last night

I know.  It is not what you would expect from me.  And it isn't what you think either.  I did punch someone's lights out, but it was in a dream.  And it wasn't anyone I knew, just some random jerk giving me a hard time about something, in a bar.  Since I don't go to bars except to play trivia, it was a weird dream.  Then I remembered something someone once taught me about dream interpretation.

You are all of the characters in your dreams.  So by that logic, the guy whose lights I punched out was me.  Clearly I'm doing something that bothered some part of my subconscious.  Even though I'm off the schedule today, I am going in, so reflective thinking on this will have to wait until after the work is done.

I certainly do not want to be in the office.  I'm completely and utterly exhausted.  Finding the strength to get from the bed to the computer post-shower was a real effort.  I plan not to move from this chair for at least 45 minutes, so I can try to rest up.  My leg hurts from the tests last week, my left foot aches from the plantar fascitis and...that's enough about my health.

"Slap Shot" is one of the funniest movies of the mid/late 1970s and I found time to watch it on Saturday.  It's so much better in the uncut version, because so much is lost when it has to be edited to air on television.  I did fast forward through a few bits that are not so great, but the overwhelming majority of the film is laugh-generating.  It also features a young, beautiful Lindsay Crouse.  She's a beautiful person inside and out as far as I'm concerned and she raised awesome kids. 

Other things to ponder on a Monday morning:

When you're competing to try to win a $50,000 prize, pay attention when they explain the rules before you make the attempt.  A guy at a basketball game had a shot at $50K if he could make a lay-up, a free-throw, a three-pointer and a half-court shot, in sequence.  He made the first two, forgot about the three-pointer (even though everyone was screaming at him to take it first) and nailed the half-court shot.  He did NOT get the big prize.  Pay attention or pay the price.

Does anyone really enjoy the Yahoo feature "who wore it best", when two women with at least some status as celebrities step out into the spotlight in the same dress (usually at different times)??  If this is such a forbidden thing, someone in Hollywood should open a "fashion coordination" business and all celebrity women would be required to check first to make sure no one else has worn the dress they are thinking of wearing.  Then again, several fashionista would probably lose their jobs ooohing and ahhing over who "wore it better".

Heart disease may be just part of aging, rather than what one eats, based on findings of examinations of Egyptian mummies.  No, that doesn't mean I can go eat McDonald's just yet.

A Chicago Cubs video assistant nearly won the team's bunting tournament, beating everyone he faced except the ultimate winner.  What does that say about the team's bunting?

Ray Winstone is an English actor who has threatened to leave his country over high taxes before and he's making noises again about doing it.  If that's how you feel Ray, go ahead and leave.

Is Social Security an entitlement program?  Is Medicare an entitlement program?  First, the definition of entitlement:  "the state or condition of being entitled" or "a right to benefits specified, especially by law or contract" or "a government program providing benefits to members of a specific group".

Let's break it down.  Social Security has several components.  Survivor benefits.  Disability enefits.  Old Age payments.  Supplemental Security Income.  The first three are funded by FICA tax revenues.  The last is funded by the general revenue fund.

So you aren't entitled to Survivor benefits, Disability benefits or Old Age payments, unless someone paid into the system (usually you, except for survivor benefits).  You don't have 40 quarters, you don't get the proper amount of old age payments.  You qualify for disability benefits but you haven't paid into the system and you're out of luck.  The people who quality for these programs are only "entitled" because they paid into the system.

Medicare is the same.  If you didn't pay into the system you aren't going to benefit much from it.  The way people through around the word "entitlement" doesn't fit how the process works for most people.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1702, the Daily Courant, Britain's first daily national newspaper publishes its first issue.
On this date in 1708, Queen Anne withheld assent from a bill, the last time an English monarch vetoed legislation.
On this date in 1824, the U.S. War Department created the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
On this date in 1916, the U.S.S. Nevada is commissioned.
On this date in 1941, FDR signs the Lend-Lease Act into law.
On this date in 1942, General MacArthur leaves Corregidor (but he promised to return).
On this date in 1985, Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
On this date in 1993, Janet Reno was confirmed as the first female Attorney General of the United States.

Famous Folk born today:

Lawrence Welk (the doctor said "wunnerful, wunnerful" as the baby was born)
Harold Wilson
Robert Mosbacher
Rupert Murdoch (born with a platinum spoon in his mouth)
Antonin Scalia (the baby moved to the right at birth)
Mark Metcalf (a pledge pin?  On your diaper??)
Bobby McFerrin (a very happy baby with no worries)
Jimmy Iovine (started crying as soon as he heard the Muzak in the delivery room)
Joey Buttafuocco (gotta love that his wiki entry reads "American Criminal")
Cheryl Lynn (this one has got to be real)
Jesse Jackson Jr. (soon to be residing in the grey bar hotel)
Joe Hachem
Johnny Knoxville