Sunday, March 10, 2013

Who else has this dialogue running in their head?

I'm on my way home from work today and I did have an eating plan for the day when I left this morning.  The plan was to eat breakfast and then drink water and just snack on a banana until I got off at four, at which point I'd pick up a turkey sandwich on the way home.  Well I had to go in early, so there was no banana stop on the way in.  Then I had to stay late and by the time I got ready to lock the door, it was 4:40.  So I got in the car and in my head the following dialogue took place between two parts of my apparently addled brain:

"Hey, you worked late.  You deserve a break today.  Drive through McDonald's and pick up some drive-thru and eat to plan the rest of the week.  You still have four days left (my food weeks run Friday through Thursday) to be good.

"Just because I worked 40 minutes late is no reason to alter a good plan."

"Come on, it's just one meal.  You'll be good tomorrow and from then on."

"It's always tomorrow.  Then tomorrow comes and then it's more promises of being good tomorrow.  Only tomorrow is tomorrow and the pattern repeats."

"Okay, but stop at 7-11 and grab an extra diet soda or some chocolate.  You've earned it."

"What did I do to earn it?  Lose weight?  Work an extra 1.5 hours?  How does that translate into a treat? Were you not there on Thursday when the doctor talked about the angiogram results?"

"Come on, you're lucky to be alive.  You should have died in 2010 when you were in a coma for seven plus weeks.  Enjoy this bonus time."

"I'd rather enjoy more bonus time and fewer treats.  And since I'm in charge, I'll decide."

"Who said you're in charge?  I'm just as much in charge as you are and I want McDonald's, or chocolate, or something for having survived a really tough day."

"Okay, have a tomato.  Or some pretzels.  Or some carrots."

"No, those aren't what I want."

"Do they not taste good?"

"No, they taste great.  I want a burger, or McNuggets, or fries, in fact I want all three."


There's a turkey sandwich laying on my bed to be eaten in a bit.  This time the good me won.  I hope he keeps the streak going tomorrow.