Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The monthly meeting episode of "As The Assisted Living Facility Turns"

The last thing the President of the Resident's Council wanted to do on the day before he goes to the hospital for an angiogram and other tests was hold the monthly meeting of that group.  But since tomorrow was the regularly scheduled day and the meetings can't be held on Fridays, it was moved to today.

The Facility Director wanted to address the group but wasn't able to be there on time, so the President filled time, something he learned to do working in commercial radio.  Eventually the Facility Director made it and discussed the issues that were in need of discussion.  These included respecting the newly installed furniture, particularly not sleeping on the new couches in the activities room; which is now a lounge.  Several people have already been spotted sleeping on those couches and abusing the pillows on them.  The Facility Director's boss has already weighed in on the subject, instructing staff to 'patrol' the area and get residents who are found sleeping to go and sleep in their rooms.  Lounging around right outside the dining room just before meal service begins was another issue raised by the Facility Director.

Then the group went on to discuss the situation involving assigned seating in the dining room.  There are no "officially assigned" seats, but in the minds of most long-term residents, their seat is theirs on that seating.  It was decided to put the matter to a vote of all residents.  They will choose either assigned seating or open seating.  Bet all the money you have on assigned seating winning.  Then borrow more money and bet that too.  This is the first real sure-thing bet to come along in a long, long time.

One of the residents complained that their washcloths are being stolen, but since the facility provides washcloths, this was a bit confusing.  Since that resident has decided not to buy any more towels or washcloths with their own money the matter will drop.  Another resident pointed out that they had been unable to get help on a recent late night, when going into the hallway outside their room and shouting for help.  It is a very big building with long hallways and there are only one or two people working at that hour who walk around and check on residents.  Since they couldn't identify what night this took place, there's no way to investigate further, but management is going to remind the graveyard workers that they need to keep walking up and down the halls regularly.

The President had heard most of the complaints that were raised at the meeting before, while having lunch on this date with the resident who shall be referred to from this point forward as "CC", for "constantly complaining".  They took time out from the tirade about the sofas and pillows to complain that the fork they were given for lunch was dirty, the 9,452 time in the last 17 or 18 months that they've complained about that.

There was some sad news, as the elderly gentleman who had been sitting in the President's seat at meals on occasion has apparently passed away.  RIP.

Tune in next time for more "ATALFT"