Wednesday, March 06, 2013

A quiet Wednesday at home...

The night before the big event.  Big because the results of these tests are going to say a lot about the next phase of my life.  How long that phase will last is to largely be determined by this, so I'm kinda freaked.  But I'm doing my best to hold a positive mental attitude.  After all, Major Amasova said that "a positive mental attitude" is one of the keys to survival in the Bond film "The Spy Who Loved Me".  They lived.  So will I.

I've spent much of today watching television rather than writing, although I did knock out a film review after interviewing the director.  The review will be posted on in the morning, after I've left.  Then again I don't need to see the final product.  I wrote it.

Watching "Dirty Harry" earlier, I noticed something I'd never paid any attention to before.  When the "villain" is trying to shoot the priest who is acting as 'bait', he goes onto a rooftop.  Clearly a shot that would be an example of sniping.  But he doesn't have a sniper's rifle.  Or a hunting rifle.  He has an automatic weapon.  Was that to provide the effect of giving him superior firepower over Clint Eastwood and his hapless partner?  Or just a technical error.  We'll never know.

Arkansas is now home to one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation.  Women seeking an abortion must get an ultrasound first, and any fetus more than 12 weeks of age, with a heartbeat cannot be aborted except in a medical emergency.  Well when you consider that the state is so backward and inter-bred that they couldn't use Monica Lewinsky's stained dress as evidence because the entire state's population shares the same DNA; I guess it makes sense.

Carly Rae Jepsen has pulled out of a concert at a Boy Scout event because of their anti-gay policies.  Fair enough, but was she not aware of their stance on gays before agreeing to the gig?

The woman who wouldn't do CPR on the 87 year old woman in Bakersfield at a senior living facility who had collapsed will not face criminal charges.  Nor should she.  These kinds of facilities don't provide medical care as part of their services and there's no legal "duty" to give someone CPR.  The moral duty is another matter entirely.

100,000 killer bees just boggles the imagination.  But reports are coming in that that's how many of the bees attacked two workers at a park in Tampa.  They suffered hundreds of stings each but are expected to survive.  Honey tastes great, but is the risk of being stung into extinction worth it?

Paris Jackson is a high school cheerleader.  Why does anyone care?  Even if she's obsessed with Tweeting pics of herself in her cute little uniform, it's not like it matters.  She's not even a star.  She's the child of a dead star.  The people obsessed with her need to find a new obsession.

It must suck to be Coolio, go on Celebrity Wife Swap and have your girlfriend dump you afterwards, because the dude he swapped with showed her what a good boyfriend is like.

Life has a great synchronicity sometimes.  A fan at a Oklahoma City Thunder basketball game stepped up to the half-court line to take a shot worth $20,000 if he could make it.  Nothing but net!!  Turns out his wife is fighting colon cancer and the money will help off-set the mounting bills.  Very cool.

Things people say that make you scratch your head in amazement (I've heard all of these in one form or another in the past few months):

"I can't be overdrawn, I still have checks left."
"Nobody eats there these days, it takes too long to get a table."
"Was he really angry, or was he just messing with me?"
"It's only ten bucks a month (for the rest of my life)."
"Do you mind if I go ahead of you in line, I'm double-parked."
"Would you press nine please" (in an elevator that only goes from the lobby to floors 14-25).
"Do you want fries with that" (after ordering a combination plate that includes only fries as a side-dish option).
"So have you seen this one before" (said by someone in line to see a movie on opening day where there were no advance press screenings offered).
"The wait for a table is about 45 minutes, but you're welcome to sit in or at the bar" (there are no tables or open seats in the bar either).
"What are you in line for" (when standing next to a sign that says what movie the line is for).
Someone standing on the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica saying "how many blocks over is 6th Street?"
"What's for lunch" (said to a person standing next to the menu board).
"Do I have time to go to the restroom before the movie starts?" (it's a 2.5 hour movie, you can go now and miss the trailers, or you can go later when you can't hold it any longer, and miss part of the movie".