Saturday, March 02, 2013

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y morning!!

Anyone read the title of this entry and thinking of the Bay City Rollers is showing their age.  Then again, I thought of the title, so my age was on display first.

Magic Johnson offered $1 million to get LeBron James to enter the Slam Dunk contest at next year's NBA All-Star Game.  Wow.  For $1 million I'll try the springboard trick that Kevin James tried in that comedy film of his from last year, "Here Comes the Boom".  I couldn't do worse.

The server taking care of my friends and I last night as we played trivia was very competent, cute, and had a great personality.  But if she'd said "you got it" in response to an order or request from one of us, one more time, I'd have vomited in my mouth.  I counted at least a dozen utterances of her catchphrase.  It reminded me of the woman I heard on talk-radio the other night saying "exactly" every time the host made a point during her phone call.  Vocabulary people.  Learn more words.  Don't use the same phrase over and over.  It's boring and annoying.

Speaking of trivia last night, how dumb was the game operator when they gave the question that asked us to identify which of the four movies listed Jennifer Lawrence had been in.  The problem came about when they put up the title "The Lovely Bones" which she wasn't in, intending to list "Winter's Bone", which she was in.  Oops.  Not their first egregious error and won't be their last.  Unless they finally go out of business over the weekend.

I looked at my work calendar for Sunday and Tuesday last night.  That one client scheduled to come in on Sunday cancelled or rescheduled is no big deal.  But someone moved one appointment I had on my calendar strictly as a placemarker from the afternoon to the morning.  I thought I'd put a comment in the remarks saying it was just a placeholder.  Now I have to call the client on Sunday to say not to come in at that hour because I may not have finished their return by then.  I planned to finish it on Tuesday to be ready for pick-up before I left, not to deliver it first thing in the morning.  Maybe I'll end up being stuck staying on Sunday until I do finish .

"Ok at this Golf tournament. Just saw @tigerwoods I understand NO golf Apparently u can't take pics. This security for mad and yelled at me"  "I need to learn golf dident know I knew so little."

Two tweets from Serena Williams who took the photo she wanted anyway, even after the marshall told her not to.  As for her need to learn golf, perhaps she should learn...wait, I'm trying not to be the spelling and/or grammar police.  Never mind.

Rumors are that Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough might be planning a wedding.  Don't know about him, but based on a brief encounter, she's a very nice person.  Of course, we don't learn much from brief encounters, do we?  Lost of people said a certain former LAPD officer seemed like such a nice guy, before he killed a bunch of people.

The former CEO of Groupon got less than $400 in his "lead parachute".  But don't weep for him.  His stock may have been severely reduced in value by his stewardship of the company but it's still worth more than $200 million.  In fact it might have gone up in value since he was let go.  Is a CEO getting to keep $200 million in stock after he ran the company right into the ground fair, or right?

A bartender was fired by an American Legion post for ratting out a member who got into the car to drive himself home, even though he was clearly drunk.  Bad move by the post commander.  She did the right thing.  He didn't.

Apparently President Obama doesn't know his Star Trek from his Star Wars.  Otherwise he'd know that it's a Jedi Mind-Trick, not a Jedi Mind-Meld, and that mind-melds are the province of Vulcans and Romulans, not Jedi Knights.  "These aren't the budget cuts you're looking for".  "My mind to yours, our minds are moving closer, closer, our minds are one."  Imagine how omnipotent a Vulcan Jedi Knight might have been.

The words were more or less "I will remain an active voice in the Republican Party" but Mitt Romney's only activities of late in the public's view consist of going to Disneyland, to movies and to shop and buy non-American goods at Costco.  Now he's going to speak?  I'll give you five to one he firmly inserts one or both of his feet into his mouth.

I've decided I'm done with Yelp.  I will not steer people in the direction of using it.  I will no longer ask satisfied customers for reviews.  Their site says you shouldn't do this because there is a slippery slope between asking satisfied customers and then offering them discounts in return for reviews.  I didn't offer anyone anything for posting a review.  I just asked clients.  And I made sure to point out that if they weren't happy, they should post that.  I won't make the mistake of mentioning Yelp to a client ever again, except to say how it sucks.

This Date in History:

On this date in 537, during the Siege of Rome, Belisarius conducts a delaying action outside the Flaminian Gate and he and a detachment of his troops are nearly cut off. (wonder if Donald P. Bellisario knows this history?)
On this date in 986, Louis V becomes King of the Franks. (today, Herr Weinerschnitzel is King of the Franks in Southern California)
On this date in 1498, Vasco de Gama's fleet visits Mozambique
On this date in 1807, the U.S. Congress passed a law prohibiting the importation of new slaves into the U.S.
On this date in 1855, Alexander II becomes Tsar of Russia
On this date in 1877, while Samuel J. Tilden had won the popular vote, Congress declared Rutherford B. Hayes the winner of the election of 1876.
On this date in 1903, the Martha Washington Hotel opens in New York City, the first hotel exclusively for women.  (Didn't Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari stay there?)
On this date in 1933, 'King Kong' opens at Radio City Music Hall.
On this date in 1946, Ho Chi Minh is elected President of North Vietnam. (in Vietnam, the North was Communist, and the South a democracy.  Same in Korea.  So in the Dakotas, is the North the commies and the South the freed peoples)
On this date in 1962, Wilt Chamberlain made 28 out of 32 free throws on his way to becoming the only player in NBA history to score 100 points in one game.  The game was so high-scoring that his share of his team's point total only represents 60% of the scoring.
On this date in 1983, compact-discs are released for the first time in the U.S.
On this date in 2002, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan.

Famous Folk Born on this Date:

Sam Houston
Fyodor Okhlopkov (a Soviet sniper during WWII credited with 429 kills)
Mel Ott (Hall of Fame catcher for the New York Giants)
Desi Arnaz (did you know he developed the three-camera method of filming sitcoms?)
Mikhail Gorbachev
Lou Reed (did he take a walk on the wild side?)
Karen Carpenter
Laraine Newman
Jon Bon Jovi
Laird Hamilton
Daniel Craig
Bryce Dallas Howard
Ben Rothlisberger
Reggie Bush (fortunate to be a former Kardashian-clan member)