Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Notes on a scorecard

The title of this blog used to be a column in the Sports section of the old Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, which went under many years ago.  Last time I checked, copies of the final edition were running around $100 each.  I had five of them, but they disappeared mysteriously when I moved from one apartment to another in my old complex.  Still hard to believe that those day laborers who were helping me knew the value of those and took them, but no one else had opportunity.  Ah well, hope they enjoyed the cash.

Anyway, I was thinking (I know, I know, that's damn dangerous) earlier today about how my ponderings are sometimes a lot like Allan Malamud's column was.  Just random thoughts.  Of course he was an award-winning columnist and the only awards I'm going to win here on my blog are butt-blisters.  Long as I'm having fun, does it matter?  Nope.

So when will iTunes get it that I'm not updating to the newer version?  It keeps trying every couple of days to get me to download and install the newest version.  I'm not going to do it.

Is there some reason that the Game Show Network is showing little else these days save "Family Feud"?  I've tried tuning in at different times of day but aside from the occasion "Chain Reaction" and a couple of "Super-Passwords", I've yet to see any other shows on that channel.  Oh wait, there was one "Match Game".

Do doctors take classes in how to break bad news to their patients? If so, I've dealt with a few who need to take refresher courses.

J.C. Penney's is getting ready to fire a bunch of people and they think having managers "code" their employees is going to remain secret.  The "reds" will find out very quickly they are categorized in that group, although they probably know it already. 

Tomorrow L.A. will narrow the mayor's race down to two candidates.  Neither of whom will be able to solve any of the city's problems unless Kevin James is one of the two.  How sad.

Facebook should add a new counter to their site.  "It's been XX days since we were last sued".  At this rate, it will never get into double-digits, let alone three-digit numbers.

Once again a new major network TV series has been cancelled after only three episodes.  Did the networks stop doing market research?  Or do they just hire total incompetents to do said research?

Things are getting so bad in Oakland that news photographers (still and video) are having their cameras stolen while they cover crimes (or other news events).

After seeing "Jack the Giant Killer" flop this weekend, next weekend we can see if "Oz" will flop as hugely.  Both movies represent investments of more than $300 million.  Sorry folks, but when movies start costing more than one-quarter billion, something's not right.  That's a lot of money to risk.  Next studios will become as profligate as the Federal government.

Live audiences at wrestling events are really fickle.  They opened the night by booing C.M. Punk.  Now that John Cena is on "stage", they're taunting him by cheering for C.M. Punk. 

Using the internet wayback machine to look at Britney Spears' website from the late 1990s should be properly labelled as highly dangerous to one's sanity.

When you block someone on Twitter or Facebook, do you ever consider unblocking them?  Normally I won't take that step...first.  Except of course when the friend/follower is actually a sex-site or other business trying to sell me something.  But when it's a person, particularly one I knew in the real world before a falling out, I sometimes ponder unblocking.  Then I remember why we fell out and I don't do it.

Mel B got booed at the America's Got Talent auditions in New Orleans when she told a brass band she didn't like brass.  Can someone remind me what talent she demonstrated to get on the show, other than being part of a major pop fad a few years back?

If you think it takes a long time to reach a human being when you call the IRS now, just wait until they start cutting staff after April 15th due to the sequester.  More than 2/3rds of the agency's budget is people, so there isn't much room to cut without reducing people and therefore, customer service.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1770, the "Boston Massacre" takes place, one of the events that would serve as a catalyst for the American Revolution.
On this date in 1836, Samuel Colt makes the first production-model revolver.
On this date in 1872, George Westinghouse patents the first air-brake.
On this date in 1933, FDR declared a "bank holiday" to stop runs on U.S. banks.
On this date in 1946, Winston Churchill used the phrase "Iron Curtain" in a speech.

Famous Folk Born Today:

Henry II of England
Louis I of Hungary
Siegbert Tarrasch (renowned chess player, famous for an innovation in the French Defense)
Sir Rex Harrison
James B. Sikking ("Judas Priest, Frank...")
Murray Head (we know he spent at least one night in Bangkok)
Michael Warren (great basketball player, actor and father-in-law to Jessica Alba)
Eddy Grant (no, he wasn't born on Electric Avenue)
Marsha Warfield (she survived the "curse of the female bailiff" on 'Night Court')
Penn Jillette
Eva Mendes
Jolene Blalock
Niki Taylor