Sunday, March 03, 2013

Read my lips, no new cars...

Data shows that in most U.S. cities, median-income families can't afford a new car any longer, with new car prices rising above $30,000 on average.  How sad that the shifting fortunes of the American public means that what was once part of life for most is now something only the elite can afford.

They got Kate Upton to pose in a bikini while in Antarctica.  In case anyone cares, she thinks that when it comes to bikinis, smaller is better.

President Obama is coming under fire for not pardoning those "who really need it".  He did issue 17 pardons this past week, nearly doubling his total to date.  Better too few than too many, folks.

The Anaheim Angels (no mistake, that's who they really are) may have made a big mistake by short-changing their youngest star player.  Mike Trout, rookie of the year and probably the real MVP in the American League last year got his 2012 contract renewed by the club for the 2013 season at only $20,000 over the league minimum.  Two years from now, when he becomes artibration eligible, look out.  Or when he qualifies for free agency, he may be gone.  Players have long memories about such slights.

David Beckham and his wife has spent more than $2,000 on their daughter's shoes to date.  Wow.  Not even two yet and she's already got a shoe collection that Imelda Marcos might be jealous of.

A liberal group is taking flack for Tweets put out by a volunteer about the Asian heritage of Senator Mitch McConell's wife.  Calm the heck down, Mitch.  They apologized.  They took down the Tweets.  The volunteer got canned.  Let it go.  Then again it isn't the first time.  In 2001, former Kentucky's state Democratic Party chairwoman Nikki Patton apologized for saying that McConnell "passed up some good Kentucky pork to chow down at the Chinese money buffet." 

Authorities in Florida have no idea when, if ever, that they'll be able to retrieve the body of a man who was swallowed by a gigantic sinkhole.  How sad for his family.  At least someone managed to rescue his brother who had jumped in to try to save him.

So Amanda Seyfriend was planning to wear a dress very similar to the one Anne Hathaway had planned to wear to the Oscars, so Hathaway made a last-minute switch to another dress.  File this one away under the file of things we men will never understand.

Can someone please explain to me why a convicted criminal would sneak back into jail?  Did he leave something behind?  Did he miss his cellmate and wasn't on the visitor's list?

The Girl Scouts don't want Honey Boo Boo selling their cookies on her FB page.  I don't blame them.

The sequester isn't the biggest issue.  24 days from now, the Federal Government will run out of money.  Without another continuing resolution or other fix, government will not be able to pay anyone anything after that date.  Let's all give Congress a swift kick in the ass.

Jennifer Lawrence is apparently celebrating her Oscar win and her success by going to Hawaii and smoking a joint.  Big deal.  The only newsworthy thing about it is that the entertainment media insisted on reporting this fact.  Leave the girl alone.  No one cares if she's one toke over the line.  Sweet Jesus!

The morons who suspended a 7 year old for shaping his Pop Tart like a gun should find new employment outside the field of education.

Oscar Goodman was a mob lawyer.  Then he was Mayor of Las Vegas for 12 years.  Now he works for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority and he defends the city against any attack.  If people don't want to lose their money then don't go to Vegas and gamble.  No one's holding a gun to their heads.

An ad on Craigslist was looking for an "Armenian receptionist".  Seemed racist until reading the ad where it properly stated it was looking for a receptionist that is bi-lingual in both English and Armenian.  I doubt any Kardashians will be applying.

Doctors who treat Medicare patients are facing 2% reductions in what Medicare pays them, due to the sequester.  But since Congress has already blocked the implementation of cuts that would have reduced their reimbursements by 29%, what is the difference?  We want to pay them less, we legislated to pay them less and then their lobby got Congress to back off of the cuts.  It's political masturbation.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1776, the United States Marine Corps made their first amphibious landing in battle, at the Battle of Nassau.
On this date in 1820, Congress passes the Missouri Compromise.
On this date in 1836, Texans celebrate their first Independence Day.
On this date in 1845, Florida is admitted as the 27th state.
On this date in 1861, Alexander II of Russia frees his nation's serfs.
On this date in 1865, the founding company that became HSBC opened.
On this date in 1923, Time magazine is published for the first time.
On this date in 1931, the United States adopts The Star-Spangled Banner as its national anthem.  Two days later, the words "Play Ball" were unofficially added at the end of the song.
On this date in 1991, amateur video captures the beating of the late Rodney King in Los Angeles.

Famous Folk Born on this Date:

George Pullman
Alexander Graham Bell
Charles Ponzi (don't invest with this guy...oh wait, he died in 1949, never mind)
Jean Harlow
James Doohan (RIP Scotty, Trekkers the world over miss you)
Jennifer Warnes (is she still having "the time of her life"?)
Gloria Hendry (ground-breaking Bond girl)
Tim Kazurinsky
Jackie Joyner-Kersee
David Faustino (did his career stall when Married With Childen went off the air?)
Ronan Keating
Jessica Biel