Monday, February 04, 2013

Just in case

I don't get around to a morning blog tomorrow, I'm going to share some ponderings now.  I have a really busy schedule tomorrow and if I don't get it done in the A.M., it won't get done until last tomorrow night.  The things running through my fatigued brain at this moment include:

Was there a sudden attack of bad taste in the U.S., particularly among politicians, during/after the Superbowl?  Here are a few sample tweets:

John McCain - So Ahmadinejad wants to be first Iranian in space - wasn't he just there last week? "Iran launches monkey into space" (he said later that he was just joking).

Ron Paul - Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense (a spokesman for the former Presidential hopeful says he now runs his own Twitter feed).

Today is February 4th, the 35th day of the year.  The year isn't even 10% over and headlines are saying the stock market had its worst day of the year.  Seriously??

What were "prominent Republicans" thinking in Massachusetts when they approached Tagg Romney to run for the Senate seat vacated by John Kerry?

Is it really illegal for women to wear pants in Paris if they aren't riding a bicycle or a horse?  Technically it is, but the law isn't enforced.

Did a library in Scotland really hold a pole dancing class to try to boost visitor numbers?  Yes.

Would Ricki Lake's talk show have had a better chance of surviving if it had featured more of "when it comes to three year old Shannon, Ricky you ARE the father!" instead of what they were doing?  Probably.  But now it's been cancelled.

A family of three on an airplane forced the flight to divert because they were smoking.  Not even in the restrooms, but in their seats.  What the hell were they thinking?

Is anyone surprised that the actor who played the nerd in the Super Bowl commercial is suddenly a hot property, and getting hit on by lots of girls?

Should Governor Moonbeam pardon the Manson family member, now that he's expressed remorse?  He is 70 years old now, and he's probably not a threat to society.  But I'm of the mind that murder should mean life behind bars, without ever again being free.  That's just me.

The woman who owns In and Out Burgers is 30 years old, a billionaire, and has already been married three times.  So is it more amazing that she's such a young billioniare, or that she's already been thrice-married?