Monday, February 04, 2013

Living within limits

I don't like the fact that my disabilities (plural) impose limits on my life.  Some days I have to stop and rest for a moment while walking from my room to my car.  Some days I can make it and just sit in the car short of breath while I recover from the exertion.  The other day when I went to the VA, there were no handicapped spaces open and I had to park on the far side of the lot.  I had to stop and rest three times before getting inside.  It sucks, but it far outweighs the alternative of not being here.

Yesterday I was reminded of those limits.  I cut my shift at work short by an hour because I was completely and utterly spent.  I had to sit for ten minutes in my car before I felt able to drive home.  There are some things I just can't do anymore.  Or I can do them, but I pay a tremendous price.  And the longer this goes on, the more it appears to me that my stamina isn't coming back anytime soon.

But I'm not giving up.  Today is supposed to be my day off but I'm going in for an hour to handle a client who was extremely upset about something, but still wants his taxes done.  My mission:  Save the Client, so this won't be the last year we have him as a client.  I'm already wiped before I even leave for work, but he'll never know that.  I'll be upbeat, positive, energetic and everything a good professional is during our time together.  Afterward I'll come home and collapse.

Maybe the tests that had to be postponed because of my recent hospitalization will show something that can be "fixed" to improve my condition.  I have my fingers crossed.  It helps knowing my true friends care.

What am I pondering this morning, besides my near-self-pity over my health?

Why do people have such a problem with the supermodel/geek kiss commercial?  I admire the dude.  He got to do that at least 45 times.  It's probably the high-point of his life thus far.

Is Ben Affleck winning awards because people feel he got gypped by the Academy when he wasn't nominated for a Best Director Oscar?

Did you feel like you were hearing a ghost when Paul Harvey's voice was used in that commercial?

Today is March 5th.  Oh wait, it's February 5th.  Unless you want to vote now in the March 5th L.A. Mayoral primary election.  Since you can submit your ballot in that election today, I'm confused.  Whatever happened to voting on election day?

Why are idiots saying "Stallone's film career is over" because of the bad box office his latest film generated over the weekend?  Are their memories so short they've forgotten that just last year Stallone's "The Expendables 2" made $300 million worldwide?  We will see more Stallone films, especially another Expendables.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1703, 46 of the 47 Ronin commit seppuku (ritual suicide) after they have avenged the death of their master.
On this date in 1789 the U.S. Electoral College elects George Washington unanimously to be President.
On this date in 1794, France abolished slavery throughout all territories of the French Republic.
On this date in 1801, John Marshall is sworn in as Chief Justice of the United States.
On this date in 1846, the first Mormon pioneers depart for the Utah Territory.
On this date in 1936, Radium becomes the first radioactive element to be made sythentically.
On this date in 1941, the USO is created to entertain U.S. troops.
On this date in 1969, Yasser Arafat takes over as chairman of the PLO.
On this date in 1976, the Winter Olympics open at Innsbruck, Austria.
On this date in 1991, Hugo Chavez leads a coup d'etat in Venezuela.
On this date in 2004, Facebook is founded by Mark Zuckerberg.

Famous folk born on this date include:

Charles Lindbergh
Betty Friedan
George A. Romero
Dan Quayle (his mother got a potatoe on her tray that night in the hospital)
Alice Cooper
Lawrence Taylor (he tried to tackle the doctor)
Natalie Imbruglia
Gavin DeGraw
Oscar De La Hoya
Gabrielle Anwar