Friday, February 01, 2013

More of "As The Assisted Living Facility Turns"

There is a new problem in the dining room and it may not be easy for the President and the Head Chef to solve.  A few months ago, the Head Chef noticed that the President (who wasn't President then) would bring his own V-8 juice to breakfast.  He told the President that he had V-8 juice and would be happy to supply it.

Then one of the President's tablemates started asking for V-8 at every breakfast and he got it.  But the number of requests are rising and the Head Chef says that it would be too expensive to order enough V-8 for everyone.  Worse yet, the former President is rabble-rousing about this issue, trying to cause trouble for the current President.  She tries to deny she intends to make trouble but her agenda is clearly evident.

So either the Head Chef has to limit the V-8 juice to those who are willing to turn in special requests (although that may still result in spending too much of the budget), or he has to switch to less expensive tomato juice.  It looks like the tomato juice solution will be put into place.  Stay tuned.

The renovation of the lobby continued today with the removal of the old counter at the front desk, which forced the closure of the entire lobby while the installation of the new counter was going on.  A number of residents, who prefer to spend hours on end just sitting in the lobby were displaced and got very vocal about their displeasure.

There was an unscheduled birthday party today in the dining room and several residents were not happy that they hadn't been notified in advance.  But the facility did the right thing and made sure that everyone, even those who didn't make it to the party, got a piece of the cake.

The residents who used to spend hours on end watching TV in the activities room late at night have been frustrated by the slow pace of the renovation of the activities room.  But for now, they continue to have no way to watch TV at night.

Next time, we will take a look at some of the more colorful former-residents who have been moved to other facilities.  Until then....