Friday, February 01, 2013

Privacy and stupidity

So this pastor is at an Applebee's with more than seven other people and she gets upset because there is an 18% gratuity added to her bill.  She writes something really disparaging toward the server.  She wrote:  "I give God 10%, why should you get 18%?" and signed the note "Pastor".

The waitress didn't appreciate the note and decided to put it up on Reddit.  It went viral and the pastor was horrified to learn that her note, and recognizable signature were out there for all to see.  She complained to the manager at Applebee's.  The server was fired.  Why?

She said she violated no rules in the company's personnel policy handbook.  Someone writing a note to a server on a credit card receipt has no expectation of privacy.  I hope the waitress sues for her job and wins a lot of money.  Applebee's is defending their actions as being compliant with a rule in that handbook.

Other things to be pondered on this Friday morning include just what is the deal with deer antler spray?  Clearly it is some kind of performance enhancing substance but can we focus on that rather than the fact it came from the horns of an animal?

Does anyone care that Sigourney Weaver went to the SAG awards wearing her dress backwards?

In the movie "The Birdcage", it ends with Gene Hackman as one of the ugliest men ever seen in drag.  Now Steven Tyler has given Gene a run for his money for that title when he did an audition for American Idol as "Pepper LeBija".  Truly frightening.

If you had a Whopper at a Burger King in the UK, you may have gotten a burger that wasn't quite all "beef".  They have admitted that there was horsemeat in the beef they were getting from their supplier.  Were they just "horsing around" during their two weeks of denying this was true?

We will probably never know who it was that won a $14.3 million dollar jackpot in an Iowa lottery drawing, but blackmail, murder and illegality involving the ticket purchase are among the theories being floated.  I suspect it was a lottery employee who bought a ticket, won and then realized there was no way to legally collect.  My question is, if you know you can't possibly win a jackpot legally, why the hell would you buy a ticket?

After watching Piers Morgan's interview when he appeared on "Chelsea Lately" with Chelsea Handler, one has to wonder if these two really dislike each other that much, or if they're having a torrid affair in secrecy.

Apparently Paris Hilton has finally found a career goal.  Looks like she wants to eclipse Imelda Marcos as having the biggest collection of women's shoes in history.  The question is, why?  Inside info that came to me from a reliable source tells me that she's very embarrassed that she has really big feet and sometimes has to custom order shoes.

Feeling old and tired?  Too old to run a mile or two?  Consider Fauja Singh, who is 101 years old.  He's announced that the upcoming Hong Kong marathon will be his last race.  He started running marathons at the age of 89.  Now I feel really weak and lazy.  Oh, he has no plans to stop running, just running races.  He plans to continue running 8 to 9 miles daily, stepping down his training routine.

Evidence shows that Simon Cowell is trying to make himself look taller because his co-judge on "Britain's Got Talent" towers over him when they are standing.  He's had them put extra cushioning on his chair so that the two appear to be of similar stature when seated.  Simon, being 5'9" or less is not the end of the world.  Stop with the Cuban heels and the extra cushions.  And tell Ryan Seacrest the same thing.

Women are getting plastic surgery to have the same nose as Kate Middleton.  Really?  I guess that's not as bad as the woman who had multiple plastic surgeries in order to look like a life-size Barbie doll.  No man should ever marry her, because she might insist her hubby look like a life-size, anatomically incorrect, Ken doll.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1790, the United States Supreme Court convened for the first time.
On this date in 1861, Texas seceded from the Union.  (now they want to do it again).
On this date in 1893, Thomas Alva Edison completed construction of the first motion picture studio.
On this date in 1920, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) begin operations.
On this date in 1942, the Voice of America begins broadcasting.
On this date in 1946, Trygve Lie of Norway is chosen as first United Nations Secretary General.
On this date in 1960, the first of the Greensboro sit-ins takes place in Greensboro, NC.
On this date in 1978, director Roman Polanski skips bail and flees the U.S. to avoid prosecution for unlawful sex with a minor girl.
On this date in 1979 the Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran.
On this date in 1998, Lillian E. Fishburne is promoted to Rear Admiral, the first African-American female to be promoted to Rear Admiral.

Famous people born on this date include:

Richard Hooker (author of "M*A*S*H")
Boris Yeltsin
Garrett Morris (beisaball was berry good to him)
Sherman Helmsley (who moved on up to the big dry cleaners in the sky last year)
Bibi Besch
Jessica Savitch
Rick James
Lisa Marie Presley
Andrew Breitbart (who moved on up to the big blog in the sky last year)