Saturday, December 22, 2012

Time for another installment in our...

continuing saga, As The Assisted Living Facility Turns.  As the President returned today from a long, difficult day of attending training class and taking exams that could not be passed because the required research materials weren't available, he was innundated with complaints the moment he walked in.

Seems that one resident in particular is disrupting the quiet enjoyment of the lobby for the other residents who like to congregate there.  It came as no surprise to the President that the resident causing the problems is the same one who disrupted the meeting of the Resident's Council earlier this month. 

In fact the President, while fielding one of those complaints was able to also listen to this resident droning on and on about how every other resident of the facility is allowed to ignore the rules while she's held accountable for every single one she violates, every single time she breaks one.  That is of course not just a gross exaggeration, but a complete and utter falsehood.

Worse yet, the Facility Director will be on vacation for some time.  The President isn't sure if she will be back next week or not until after January 1st.  So there isn't much the President can do until then, since any attempt by him to approach her directly is doomed to cause more problems that it might solve.  But if the situation worsens over the next few days, he may have no other choice.  If it comes to that, he will talk to her in the lobby, away from others but close enough so that she won't be able to claim he did anything improper. 

Oh if only there were a remote control that would allow you to put someone on mute, even if only temporarily.  But sadly there isn't. 

Tune in next time for another installment of As The Assisted Living Facility Turns.