Thursday, December 20, 2012

In this installment....

of "As The Assisted Living Facility Turns" there are unhappy residents (what else is new?).  One raised an issue at the December meeting of the resident's council that the old suggestion box had been taken down.  The Facility Director made it clear that this was not done by anyone who works here.  She also promised to put it back up.

That resident stopped the President of the resident's council and complained that we still did not have a new suggestion box.  The President remembered that this promise had been made and said he would look into it that day. 

The Facility Director smacked her forehead when reminded about her promise, a clear indication that it has slipped her mind.  She promised to take care of it as soon as possible.  The resident who was upset at the lack of a suggestion box is said to have never before submitted a suggestion and there is a strong probability that any suggestion she may put in the new box won't be worth the paper it is written on.  However she will be happy that the box will be there.  She will complain more when the facility doesn't put what she considers her brilliant suggestions into effect.

Then there was the case of the yelling resident.  Sources informed the President that one of the male residents was yelling in an abusive manner at the female food servers (all of the food servers are women, although there is one man who washes dishes and serves beverages).  The President plans to have a talk with this resident as soon as he runs into him.

Speaking of running into things or people, there was also a near-collision (see today's ponderings for a discussion of this terminology) between a resident who walks, albeit slowly and with a walker, with one who rides around in one of those power chairs.  One nearly ran the other over by backing up without looking behind first.  Apparently this topic will have to be discussed at next month's meeting as the facility won't pay for traffic control in the lobby.

The dining room was in an awful state yesterday but the facility promised it would be much better today.  They were preparing to paint.  While a fresh coat of paint will make a room look like new, the same can't be said of those of us over 50 years of age.  Even two or three coats of paint will not make us look like new.