Saturday, December 22, 2012

In this morning's installment of...

As The Assisted Living Facility Turns, we find an old problem that popped up again anew yesterday.  The facility has main doors near the center of the building, front and rear, as well as side entrances on each of the wings of the building.  One wing has two other entrances that are accessible from the street, while the other has only one.  All three of these additional entrances are kept locked at all times.  But the front door is kept open until 7:30 p.m.

Except that it used to be kept open until 8:00 p.m.  Before that it was 9:00 p.m.  And even now, there are nights when for whatever reason, someone forgets to lock the front door.  There are two residents who love to sit in the lobby at night and one of them frets over whether or not the door is locked.  The residential aide can tell this resident that the door is locked and ten minutes later they will again start fretting that the door is not locked.

Worse yet is that this resident is always freezing.  So when someone props the front door open to move something in or out, or to allow another resident in a wheelchair or with a walker to come in or go out, this resident will start insisting that anyone who passes by needs to stop what they're doing and go close the door.

When the President returned home last night from an evening out with friends, the facility cookie monster was hovering over the food cart, although why this was being done was an obvious question.  The tray of cookies was empty and appeared to have been that way for some time.  Another resident who was hanging out in the lobby approached the President and said "so and so is eating all the cookies again.  We have to do something."  The President has taken the problem under advisement and will contact the facility's director when she returns from her vacation, after the holidays.

Next time on As The Assisted Living Facility Turns, the case of the missing maintenance man.