Thursday, December 20, 2012

In the latest installment of...

As The Assisted Living Facility turns, the controversy over the closing of the TV room upstairs continues to roil a few of the residents.  Thus far no solution has been found to allow them to watch their movies on DVD and they are definitely not happy.  Short of letting them have access to the President's TV and DVD player (which is a definite non-starter) when he's away from his room, there will be no fast resolution to this problem.  The renovations are on-going and eventually there will be an answer.  But people want solutions now, not later and some people are even less patient than others.

It appears that the State of California is going to take a look at the Nativity scene controversy by asking some of the residents if they are bothered by the display.  If enough of the residents have issues, the Ombudsman (why isn't she an Ombudsperson, since she's female??) may intervene with management.

The lobby has been more crowded of late, due to the increasingly cold temperatures outside, causing those residents who like to sit outside to take refuge in the lobby.  Since management is trying to keep people from assembling in the lobby, this may end up resulting in friction.

There is one resident who is capable of talking in a normal tone of voice, but often chooses to whine in a loud, discordant tone.  She's been doing more and more whining of late and people are beginning to get fed up.  However, there is little that can be done.  Some suggested (not in the suggestion box, because it isn't back yet) that we have a mute button installed for those residents who are vocally disruptive but sadly that technology is not available yet.  Perhaps in a few years.

The problem of one person eating most of the cookies put out each night by the kitchen staff is ongoing and thus far the first suggested solution is not working.  The President will investigate other ideas, but because the facility can't limit the amount of food a person takes, options are limited.

Tune in next time, because....heck, don't know what will happen next.