Friday, December 21, 2012

I don't know who wrote this....

but I've always found it to be profound:  The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

I start there this morning because I'm pondering what was in the mind of Craig Pusley when he put on a Marine uniform and stood guard in front of a school.  His intent was to make the kids feel safe, or so he said.  But then he told a reporter he'd served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan.  The truth is that he was in the Marines for a few months, but never left his training base and never acquired an actual military occupational specialty; without which you can't deploy anywhere.  Did he think no one would check, once the photo of him went viral?  All he had to say was "I was a Marine and now I'm here to make the kids feel safer" and that would have been fine. 

I'm pondering whether or not I approve of Madonna threatening fans at a concert.  I guess it's okay, because all she did was to threaten not to perform if they didn't stop smoking.  Smoking is something I really don't understand.  I saw a woman driving next to me yesterday who was smoking as she drove.  Except that she took only a couple of puffs from the cigarette and when not taking one of those few puffs, held the cigarette at full arms-length away from her.  Maybe she didn't want to reek of cigarette smoke.  So she's polluting the air of the rest of us.  Time for a new law.  Smokers in cars must drive with the windows up while smoking, and keep their bad air to themselves.

I'm wondering if Suzy Favor Hamilton actually thought her work as a high-priced "escort" in Las Vegas would stay secret.  Yes, I've seen the commercials.  "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas", but that doesn't apply to celebrities.  Just ask a certain member of the royal family whose Vegas actions were captured for posterity and went beyond viral.

I'm wondering if Simon Cowell ever thinks "I'm dating the ex-wife of Dennis Rodman" when he goes out with Carmen Electra.  She's good looking, but one has to question the common sense of someone who didn't perceive what marriage to RodmWian would be like.

I'm wondering if the voters who sent incoming Texas State Representative Kyle Kacal to the state legislature starting in January want a do-over, after he said that "ping-pongs" are more dangerous than guns.  Okay, picture dictionary people, under moron, post this guy's photo.

Will the parents of a 3 year old Australian boy keep a closer eye on what he brings into the house?  He found some eggs in the yard and kept them in a plastic food container.  That probably saved his life when the eggs hatched and seven eastern brown snakes (one of the world's deadliest snakes) were born.

I'm exhausted today.  Even more tired than when I wrote on FB that my toenails were tired.  Now my hair is complaining of fatigue.  And I have two more days that are very full schedule wise.  But starting Sunday, the schedule eases until 12/27.  Even then, it's only minimal until into the New Year. So I will catch up on my rest.

There's a commercial airing with great regularity that I am coming to loathe.  It has a ringing doorbell sound that is exactly the same sound that my doorbell makes.  So everytime that commercial airs I think someone is at my door.

Did someone suspect that the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" might generate a problem like Aurora with "The Dark Knight Rises"?  There were four off-duty LAPD cops in uniform at the theater and at least that many unarmed security guards.  One of the cool things was seeing two Navy officers walk into the theater and sit down to watch the film.  How did I know they were Navy officers?  They were in uniform.

The NRA is breaking its one week of silence in the week of the shootings at Newtown.  Maybe they should try a month of silence.  Or 27 days, one for each of the victims.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1620, the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.
On this date in 1826, American settlers in Mexico started the Fredonian Rebellion.
On this date in 1861, President Lincoln signed into the law the creation of a Navy Medal of Honor.
On this date in 1913, the first crossword puzzle was published.
On this date in 1937, Snow White, first feature-length animated film premieres.
On this date in 1967, the first recipient of a human heart transplant dies, 18 days after the operation.
On this date in 1988, a bomb explodes on Pam Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, killing 270 people.
And on this date in 1935, director John G. Avildsen was born.