Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Jimmy Hoffa's remains remain missing and other headlines

The FBI has called off its latest search for the remains of Jimmy Hoffa.  If Hoffa were alive, he'd be 100 years old.  They've spent over $3 million searching for his remains.  Maybe it's time to spend money on current, relevant crimes?

This just in, actor James Gandolfini has died, possibly of a heart attack, while in Italy.  He was 51.  A detailed obit in tomorrow's blog.

You've probably seen his commercials.  George Zimmer is the founder of Men's Wearhouse and he always ends the ads he appears in with "you're gonna like the way you look.  I guarantee it."  Well, the board of directors fired him from his position as Executive Chairman today, with no explanation.  I'm sure he'll like the way he looks as he stands in the unemployment line.

Billionaire Sean Parker calls the kerfluffle over his multi-million dollar wedding at Big Sur "agonizing".  He has agreed to write checks for $2.5 million in a settlement with the Coastal Commission.  #richpeopleproblems

Crooner Slim Whitman has died at the age of 90s.  He was a successful country singer prior to the boom in rock and roll, but re-rose to prominence when a collection of his greatest hits was marketed on commercials in the 1970s and early 1980s.  I think it was on the K-Tel record lable.

A mother in Glendale was arrested on suspicion of child abuse for allegedly leaving her naked 4 year old son out on the patio for more than an hour.

23 year old Christina Calderon of Lynwood was in Hollywood last night when she was stabbed to death by three transients near the intersection of Hollywood and Highland.  Calderon and her companion stopped to take pictures of the transients who were holding "offensive" signs while begging for money.  The transients have been arrested and face murder charges.

Welcome to Main Street USA at Walt Disney World, where you can go into the old-time Nickelodeon, stop at the ice cream parlor, see the old-fashioned bank and newspaper office; and now get a grande mocha latte with some wi-fi.  Starbucks has just moved into a space there.  What would Walt Say?  Probably nothing.  Disney was partnering with corporate American back in the 1960s when Walt was still alive.  Kodak, Monsanto, Bank of America and Folgers were among their earlier partners in attractions and stores.

Celebrity cook Paula Deen has admitted to using the "n-word" in the past, but says she is not prejudiced.  She also confessed to telling jokes that target "rednecks, black people and Jewish people" among others.  She made the statements during a deposition for a lawsuit filed against her, her brother and the restaurant they operate.

For actress Shailene Woodley, it was a good news/bad news thing.  The bad news is she's been cut from "The Amazing Spiderman II" after working on the film for three days, portraying Mary Jane Watson.  The good news is that assuming there is a third film in the series, she will be in that one.
 Don't worry, it will work out for her.  Not only has Sony set a release date for the third film, they plan to release "The Amazing Spiderman IV" on May 4, 2018.

Katy Perry has finally disclosed that her ex-husband Russell Brand informed her of his intent to divorce her via text message, on December 31, 2011.  Ouch!

An Indiana man who rescued an injured bald eagle, and had to take it home to care for it when campers encroached on the area in the wild where he was caring for it (four-wheeler people who would endanger the bird) faces jail time for his good deed. 

The parents of a 16 year old Canadian teen went to the police after he received a "brutal beating" during a hockey game.  Five months later, police have failed to act and now the parents have released a video of the beating to the media.

A bar in Riverside has ended a controversial dress code rule that required all women entering the bar for their Saturday night party to be wearing high heels.  No flats or sandals allowed.  Exceptions would have been made in cases of injury.  But the outcry forced them to nix the rule.

Student at the University of California, Berkley may face higher tuition costs after the university found itself over $450 million in debt for improvements to its football stadium and a new athletic center.  A plan to sell special "endowment seats" has not sold as many seats as planned.  The debt may be an academic budget-buster.

Famed fashion designers Dolce and Gabanna were found guilty of tax evasion by an Italian court, and face nearly two years in jail.  But given the lengthy appeals process involved, odds are good they won't end up behind bars.  Too bad, they might be able to design some new prison uniforms.

Las Vegas may become home to the world's tallest roller coaster, if current plans come to fruition.  It would be 650 tall and would be located very near the Tropicana Hotel.

A prisoner in Arizona filed a lawsuit demanding $1 trillion in damages because the prison's commisary food gave him a "belly-ache".  It isn't his first such claim.  He has a $10 trillion suit pending for alleged damages he suffered from getting his meals late two days in a row.  He's filed 47 lawsuits in June alone.

A mother's innocent joke where she tried to have a catfish "kiss" her 13 year old son nearly cost him his life, when a barb from the catfish became stuck in his neck, only centimeters from his carotid artery.