Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Guess I was nervous over nothing

Maybe being nervous made me prepare a little better than I might have.  Or maybe I'm just obsessive about preparing when I'm going to teach a class.  Either way, I was on my game at the interview, and I got the teaching position.  I may even be asked to take the lead in some of the instructional stuff, sharing my techniques with the other instructors.  It was nice to hear that my passion for teaching showed in my demonstration.  I am so looking forward to getting back into the classroom as a teacher rather than as a student.

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Today is going to be a lazy day.  I am going to try to write one film review, and watch one movie screener I have.  If I get one of the two done, I will be happy.  I have a couple of very minor things to do (put something in the mail, make a phone call, deal with a little paperwork).  Last night was trivia and we won; and I got home early.  However, I'm feeling fatigued this morning and we have another trivia thing tonight.  So glad that tomorrow will be a day spent totally at home.

I especially like days where I'm home at 4 p.m.  On weekdays it means I can watch old episodes of Dragnet and Adam-12 (little known factoid - Adam-12 would not have been a proper call-sign for them based on where the show had them assigned).  I know I saw them all when they first aired, but they're still fun.  Jack Webb's extremely conservative viewpoint on the issues of the late 1960s and early 1970s permeates many episodes.  The notion that marijuana "is a gateway drug" to heroin addiction just cracks me up.

Tonight is the return of Franklin and Bash, but I won't be home in time to watch it.  Hopefully TNT will re-run it an hour later as they've done in the past.  Otherwise I will be watching it on-line.

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Journalist Michael Hastings was killed in a single-car accident yesterday.  It's a loss to the world of journalism.  He was one of the kind of reporters I like, those who don't pull punches and tell stories that people don't always want told. 

It didn't take long for word of his death to bring out the conspiracy theorist nuts in their tinfoil hats to claim this was a "hit".  It was 4 in the morning.  The car had to be going at a high rate of speed.  We don't know if he was or wasn't driving under the influence of something, something that's very possible at that hour.

I'll wait and see what the investigation reveals.

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That USC professor of sex and gender studies who is accused of having molested children, under the guise of "research" while abroad, was arrested in Mexico.  His name is Walter Lee Williams, which sounds like the name of a good old Southern boy, rather than a university professor.  Good thing his middle name isn't Ray, or he'd have the same name as a famed professional bowler/horseshoe pitcher.

The irony of someone who taught what he taught doing what he is alleged to have done is amazing.

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It is clear that the argument over the plastic bag ban in Los Angeles won't go away anytime soon.  As many as 200 people will lose their jobs as a result of that ban.  There may be other jobs created in the reusable bag industry.  I just think recycling of plastic bags is a far better answer.  They also have other uses (waste disposal for babies and pets comes to mind).

The notion that plastic bags kill fish and other animals in the ocean seems somewhat far fetched to me.  Plastic fishing line does kill.  Maybe bags kill some.  Maybe this is an issue with two sides and one side is being shouted down because in this town, the other side is louder.

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I think the Republicans in the House of Representatives need a new theme song and I have a suggestion from the catalogue of The Beatles.  "The Fool On The Hill" is perfect.  They continue to shoot themselves in the foot, the latest bit of idiocy being a bill to limit abortions after 20 weeks.  The Supreme Court just overturned such a law at the state level.  They won't let it happen at the federal level either.

Meanwhile, they continue to alienate the voters they need to be attracting by moderating their stances on such issues.  As long as they will embrace the status quo, those who are dumb enough to favor banning abortion won't go elsewhere.  They won't vote for Democrats.  They probably won't vote for Libertarians.  Where else would they go?

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At a junior college in Tennessee, a professor allegedly forced her students to wear "Rainbow Coalition" ribbons for a day to advertise support for gay and lesbian political causes.  She also told those student that "opponents of gay marriage are uneducated bigots who attack homosexuals with hate."

Just because someone opposes same-sex marriage doesn't make them uneducated.  It makes them bigots.  It doesn't necessarily come from hate.  And while I am definitely a proponent of same-sex marriage being made legal everywhere, and equal rights for all, I see what this professor allegedly did as an abuse of power. 

You don't teach by shouting down arguments raised by your students.  You teach them why those arguments have no weight.  Shouting only teaches them how to be loud.

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This Date In History:

On this date in 1269, King Louis IX of France orders that any Jew out in public without a yellow star on, will be fined.
On this date in 1586, The English colonists leave Roanoke island, having failed to establish a permanent settlement.
On this date in 1846, the first officially recorded, organized game of baseball is played.
On this date in 1862, Congress bans slavery in U.S. territories, overturning the Dred Scott decision.
On this date in 1865, slaves in Galveston, TX, are finally informed that they are free.
On this date in 1934, the FCC is established.
On this date in 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed.
On this date in 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is approved in the Senate, following an 83 day filibuster.
On this date in 1987, the comic strip Garfield makes its debut.

Famous Folk Born on This Date:

William H. Webb
May Whitty
Wallis Simpson
Moe Howard
Lou Gehrig
Abe Fortas
Alan Cranston
Pat Buttram (I miss Mr. Haney)
Pauline Kael
Louis Jourdan
Nancy Marchand
Pier Angeli
Wahoo McDaniel
Al Wilson
Aung San Suu Kyi
Salman Rushdie
Phylicia Rashad
Ann Wilson
Kathleen Turner
Paula Turner
Laura Ingraham
Jean Dujardin
Robin Tunney
Hugh Dancy
Zoe Saldana

Movie quotes of the day come from "The Craft" in which Ms Tunney starred:

Driver: Watch out for the weirdos, girls.
Nancy: We are the weirdos, mister.


Mitt: [In French class] You know this is L.A. We should be learning Mexican or something.
Chris: That would be Spanish, genius.


Bonnie: We were just wondering; do you still have any powers?
Rochelle: 'Cause we don't.
[Bonnie shots her a look]
Rochelle: Sorry.
Bonnie: So, if you ever just want to hang out and chant or call the corners...
Sarah: [scathing] Maybe. Hold your breath until I call.
[Turns away]
Rochelle: [as she and Bonnie start walking away] She probably doesn't have any powers anyway.
Sarah: [Turns around with a look of concentration. Wind blows, clouds cover the sky. Lightning flashes; a bolt hitting a tree branch which falls close to Bonnie and Rochelle. They stumble to the ground to avoid it, and the sky returns to normal. Sarah stares at them with a hard expression] Be careful. You don't want to end up like Nancy.