Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday's mid-day headlines

Doing this a bit early today because of scheduling.

The mother of the Santa Monica shooter was a victim of domestic violence, according to multiple sources.  A pre-school teacher who was the shooter's teacher at the time says the mother told her that the now deceased father had held a knife to her throat.  There is also a court filing showing she requested a restraining order that references her being punched by him.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has joined Twitter.  Many speculate that this may portend her run for the Democratic nomination in the 2016 presidential election campaign.

Harry Lewis has died at the age of 93.  While he was an actor who was in dozens of films, most notably as "Toots" in 'Key Largo', he is probably best remembered as the founder (with his wife Marilyn) of the Hamburger Hamlet chain.  The couple also created the famed Kate Mantilini restaurant in Beverly Hills, still owned by their sons.

64 year old Jessie Thornton was driving home from the gym in Surprise, AZ when he was pulled over and got a surprise.  He was arrested on suspicion of DUI.  Then the police got a real surprise.  He blew a 0.00 on the breathalyzer.  Turns out he failed the field sobriety test because he has bad knees and was scheduled for hip replacement surgery.  He told police about his medical issues but they busted him anyway.  He is now suing, and claims he was actually pulled over for DWB.

Is 'OctoMom' Nadya Suleman going to jail for welfare fraud?  Investigators have obtained subpoenas for her financial records.

Will Edward Snowden, who has acknowledged that he leaked information on U.S. monitoring of telephone records and internet activity to the media, make it to Iceland?  He checked out of his Hong Kong hotel and at this hour his whereabouts are unknown.

She's not old enough yet to drive without an adult passenger in the car, but 15 year old Kylie Jenner is driving a SUV that costs more than most families make in a year.  Her Mercedes SUV carries a price tag of more than $125,000.

Oncologists treat cancer.  49% of them who responded to a survey indicated they are now turning away Medicare patients, because the "sequester" resulted in a 2% cut in Medicare reimbursements for chemotherapy drugs.

"Glee" star Jane Lynch and her wife of three years are divorcing.

Looks like Tim Tebow will be a New England Patriot next season.

Celebrities plug products and services all the time on Twitter.  But unlike commercials that air on TV or radio, it isn't always obvious that they are being paid for the plug.  The FTC is investigating this growing trend.

Consumer Reports is telling us that if you want high quality knives for your kitchen at a reasonable price, go retro.  Buy a set of Ginsu knives for only $75.  This is not a paid plug.

Chad Johnson (formerly known as Ochocinco) was in court about to close a plea deal where he'd get no jail time.  Then the judge threw a penalty flag.  30 days for slapping your lawyer's butt in court.  Video can be found on the net.