Saturday, June 08, 2013

Saturday's eye-catchers

The investigation continues into the shootings in Santa Monica, but it has been confirmed that the shooter was once a student at SMC and there is a "familial connection" between the shooter and the two dead bodies in the house at Yorkshire that was set on fire.

Former South Africa President Nelson Mandela has been hospitalized again for a lung problem.  He has an infection, but the 94 year old Nobel laureate was reported to be breathing on his own.

Sarah Murnaghan, the 10 year old girl who is hospitalized at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia with cystic firbrosis and needs a lung transplant to survive has taken a turn for the worse.  She is now on the organ transplant list for adults, but reports today indicate she has had to be intubated.  Without a transplant, it is highly unlikely the tube can be removed again.

The concept of "rent to own" has spread from furniture and electronics to, of all things, car tires.  The continuing financial difficulties people are suffering from are forcing some to pay three or four times the normal price for a set of tires in "rental" arrangements. 

The Philadelphia crane operator who is being blamed for the collapse of a building surrendered to police.

Vermont's governor has signed into a law a measure to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana.

The cost of having a private lunch with Warren Buffett hit a six year low, with the winning paying just over $1 million for the privilege.  The last five years the winning bid has been at least $2 million.  The winner can ask the billionaire about anything, except potential investments.  The money goes to one of Buffett's charities.

Jason Collins, who made headlines when he became the first professional athlete still active in a major sport to "come out", marched in Boston's Pride Parade on Saturday.

In New Hampshire, an 18 year old who finished high school in January but wants to graduate with his class has been told he cannot wear his Marine Corps uniform in place of his cap and gown.  School officials got this one right.  Wear the uniform under the gown and take it off after the ceremony is over.

Apparently even with the problems of the finances of Detroit and other Michigan cities, one state senator doesn't feel he has enough to do.  Why else would Sen Roger Kahn introduce a bill to make every September 19th "International Talk Like a Pirate Day"??

Pearl Russ graduated from high school in Iowa.  Sounds normal until you learn she just graduated and she is 101 years old.