Saturday, April 20, 2013

I know I said....

I wasn't going to write much, if at all, about work stuff here.  But this morning I'm going to.  I'm working in the "year-round" office, which is not the office where I worked during the season.  My expertise and knowledge apparently aren't in question by my new colleagues, as they are more than willing to ask for help with technical issues, and with questions about tax stuff.

But I see that they are scheduling clients that want appointments during the hours I'm working for the others, all of whom seem to work in that office regularly.  Maybe they're concerned about my taking these clients with me back to my office, next tax season.  Maybe it's just nothing and the people who were calling were asking for those professionals, having been referred to them.  Time will tell if I'm being a bit paranoid, or perceptive about their fear of losing business to another office.

What do May 24, June 14, July 5, July 22 and August 30 have in common?  All are weekdays this year that if you pick up the phone and call the IRS for assistance, you won't get any help.  Due to the sequester, all IRS offices will be closed to the public and almost every single IRS employee will be furloughed without pay. 

That makes no sense.  Every day the IRS operates, it generates revenue for the government.  Hiring more auditors and agents leads to more tax revenue being collected.  The IRS should be expanding, not contracting, if we're that desperate to generate revenues to operate the government. 

There's a new film coming out starring Sandra Bullock as an FBI agent who isn't going to enter a beauty pageant, and Melissa McCarthy as a Boston PD detective.  It's called "The Heat" and now it is going to be screened in advance for members of the Boston PD and FBI agents in the Boston area.  Bullock calls it a "small token of appreciation".  A nice gesture.

Some website that gives tax advice is telling a horror story about a person who didn't keep his entire adult tax history on file and now will have to work for two more years to qualify for Social Security benefits, because two years where he didn't work for his long-time employer aren't on file.  If you're that worried about such things, don't keep a big file cabinet with that stuff.  Scan the return onto a PDF and make sure you have it stored in a safe place.  If you're a serious worrywart, put the PDF files on a CD-ROM and put that in your safety deposit box.  But keeping more than seven years of paper IRS returns is a waste of time, space and money.

A high school baseball player in California has done something no one has done before, and probably will never do again.  He hit three home-runs in one inning.  An amazing feat.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1453, the last naval battle in Byzantine history takes place.
On this date in 1543, Jacques Cartier begins the voyage during which he discovers Canada and Labrador.
On this date in 1653, Oliver Cromwell dissolves the "Rump Parliament".
On this date in 1775, the siege of Boston begins during the American Revolutionary War.
On this date in 1836, Congress passes an act creating the Wisconsin Territory.
On this date in 1861, Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the U.S. Army, to take command of the forces of the state of Virginia.
On this date in 1912, Tiger Stadium and Fenway Park have their "opening day".
On this date in 1916, the Chicago Cubs play their first game at what is now known as Wrigley Field.
On this date in 1918, the Red Baron shoots down his 79th and 80th victims.  He dies the next day.
On this date in 1999, the massacre at Columbine High School takes place.

Famous Folk Born On This Date:

Emperor Go-Komyo
Napoleon III
Adolf Hitler
Harold Lloyd
Joan Miro
Tito Puente (thank you John Winger, without whom I'd have never gained an appreciation for the music of Tito Puente)
Nina Foch
George Takei
Ryan O'Neal (love means never having to see you're sorry)
Jessica Lange
Luther Vandross (inventor of the "Luther burger", a beef patty that uses a halved glazed donut as a bun...oh yeah, he was a musician too)
Clint Howard
Don Mattingly
Crispin Glover
Andy Serkis
Felix Baumgartner
Carmen Electra
Miranda Kerr