Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday headlines that caught my eye

The manhunt in Boston is finally over.  The 19 year old terrorist is cuffed and stuffed.  At this hour, Dzhokar Tsarnev is listed in serious condition.  And to the aunt of the two who did this awful thing, who said “I’m suspicious this was staged”, you need your freaking head examined if you honestly believe that.  As for their father, who claims they were “framed”, parents have trouble accepting the flaws of their children.  But that’s going way too far.  Shut up, dude.

The Boy Scouts of America appear to be headed toward a compromise position on their ban on homosexuals.  The proposal would allow gays to join as Scouts, but continue to ban gays from serving as scout leaders.

The mess at L.A. based TV station KCET continues, as 22 employees were let go as part of a reorganization.  KCET left PBS in 2010 and since then pledges and ratings have fallen off dramatically.

The town of West, Texas continues to reel in the wake of the explosion that leveled as much as 20% of the area.  As many as five of the town’s volunteer firefighters are dead and reports are that four of the EMTs are missing.

California’s unemployment rate dropped to 9.4% in March, the lowest rate since February of 2008.  But some of the decrease is likely due not to an improved labor market, but more people giving up the job search.

Chalk up another one in the “fail” column for McDonald’s, as their latest results show that their “Dollar Menu” isn’t working in producing the hoped for sales increases.  It is also extremely unpopular with their franchisees.

The Boeing 787 will be back in the air very soon as the FAA has cleared the way for repairs to be made to the plane’s battery system.

Tombstone, AZ’s “Wyatt Earp House” is closing its doors for good this weekend, blaming a decline in tourism.

As the eyes of the nation were turned to Boston, MA and West, TX, few have noticed that a Delta Airlines jet overshot the runway at Port Columbus International Airport in Ohio, landing in the grass.

A Santa Ana woman is dead after her boyfriend accidentally shot her with his BB gun.  Still think they’re not dangerous?

Not sure what’s the worst thing here.  The fact that a member of the Tennessee Legislature sponsored a bill to honor his own business for its 20th anniversary, or that the reporter and editor of the story about that factoid didn’t properly use “your” in the story.  What do you think?

CA State Senator Ted Lieu is sponsoring a bill that would cost those who engage in “swatting” a fine of $10,000 if caught and convicted.  Now he’s become the latest victim of swatting.  And he’s more determined than ever to stick it to the swatters.

And finally, from the “good news, bad news” file, Lauryn Hill is being evicted by her landlord.  But the good news is that given the strong likelihood that she will wind up in prison for tax evasion, she’d have had to move out anyway.