Friday, April 19, 2013

I'm confused

Where and when did either of the two suspects (one now dead) in the Boston marathon bombing declare that they did what they did as an act of "Jihad"?  The answer is that they didn't, and all of the commentators trying to claim that was their intent don't know a damn thing.  They're speculating, leaping to conclusions and generally working hard to make themselves look stupid.

That there are those who wish to engage in acts of terror against us here in the U.S., and that some of them use Islam as their excuse is undeniable.  That does not make all followers of Islam terrorists or evil.  It means that there are a few misguided individuals who act as though they represent all who share the same faith, committing these horrific acts.

If we follow the pretzel logic (and I just ate a delicious pretzel, FYI) that the fools who claim this was such an attack use, then I should be holding all Christians responsible for the murders of abortion doctors and bombings of abortion clinics.  I should be holding all Jews responsible for the actions of the Jewish Defense League. 

Rather than engaging in speculation, let's expend our societal energies in investigation and prevention.  Investigate what happened here.  Find the truth.  Learn what might have been done better to prevent this awful incident. 

But standing up and bellowing about how we are victims yet again of "Jihad" without all of the facts being in is just dumb.  Even if it is was an act of Jihad, that doesn't mean we should be reacting any differently.  Unless and until this is proven to be a larger conspiracy that involves anyone other than the two brothers, there is nothing to do but run this one guy to ground and arrest him.  If he can be taken alive.

Sadly, those bellowing about this being a case of "Jihad" are conducting their own war.  A war of fearmongering.  A war we cannot let them win.