Monday, March 25, 2013

Lazy, hazy crazy Mondays

Bar Refaeli is a "supermodel".  She's from Israel and right now she's kind of unpopular there with a large segment of the population.  She recently appeared in an ad campaign run by the Foreign Ministry.  That ad has rekindled controversy over how she managed to "dodge" the Israeli draft.

Women turning 18 in Israel are required to serve two years in the Israel Defense Force.  Rafaeli found a loophole that allowed her to avoid service by getting married.  Once she'd been granted the exemption from military service, she divorced her husband, a family friend.  Then she headed for fame and fortune in the U.S.

The problem is not so much that she dodged the draft, or how she did it.  The problem is the stupid comments she continues to make about the situation.  Here are two:

"I really wanted to serve in the IDF, but I don’t regret not enlisting, because it paid off big time,” she said. “That’s just the way it is, celebrities have other needs."

"You can use the clip for the Foreign Ministry or drop it, but my Instagram feed has more readers than Israel’s most popular newspaper."

What she should have said was "I got married.  In getting married I qualified for an exemption from military service.  Lots of 18 year olds get married and divorced in short order.  I broke no laws.  Maybe I should have served but I can do more for Israel now that I am famous.  Rather than focusing on the past, let's concentrate on a brighter future."  It might have rang false to some but it's a hell of a lot smarter than anything she has said.

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I was thinking about pet peeves today.  I'm sure you have yours.  Some of the ones that crossed my mind today as I drove home from the VA were:

People who drive with their handicapped parking placard hanging from their rear view mirror.  It's against the law.  It's the height of laziness.  Put it in the glove compartment and take it out when you park.  I bet those who are doing this are just afraid they'd forget to hang it up when parked and get a ticket.

People who drive slow in the "fast" lane.  I know I was opposed to the idea of the cops ticketing someone who was driving just under the speed limit in the fast lane, but that doesn't make it smart or right for people to do it.  Speed up or move to the right. 

People who kick the chair in front of them when they go to the movies.  I understand young children doing it.  But adults need to just chill and keep their feet on the floor.  Speaking of feet on the floor, stop propping your feet up on the chair in front of you.  No one wants to see your fancy shoes and no one wants to sit where the bottoms of your shoes have been perched.

People who stand in line talking on their cell phones and won't end the call when it's their turn in line.  Either be ready to do what it is you're doing in line, or step outside and finish the call if it is that important.  Don't expect the rest of us to wait for you.

People who take forever to take their turn when playing an online game.  I can understand it happening during the work day, or when travelling.  But that shouldn't happen for a week at a time without at least the courtesy of a warning message.  Hey, we all get overwhelmed from time to time.  It's totally understandable.  And I'm not referring to anyone I'm currently playing in a game, so none of you should think this is directed as you personally.

Businesses that don't return phone calls within 48 hours.  Now if they're closed for two days that's one thing.  But I'm talking about places that put your message into some rat-hole and ignore it for a week.  I'm dealing with that right now with a government office and I'm about to call someone's boss and file a formal complaint.

People who park taking up more than one space.  Good for you that you have some really expensive, or really nice-looking car.  That doesn't entitle you to take up more than one space.

That's enough of that.  Please feel free to chime in with yours.

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It's the first night of Passover.  For dinner we were served chicken liver paste of some type (I was afraid of it), potato pancakes and red potatoes, corned beef brisket, cabbage and to start off the meal, chicken matzoh ball soup.  Oh, and they put dinner rolls on the plates, and passed out pieces of matzoh as well.  Kind of a cross between a Passover dinner and St. Patrick's Day.

They also gave me a note to refill a prescription.  When I called the computer to do that, it informed me the medication is due to be refilled in June and I should have enough on hand to last until then.  Sure enough, the med room had plenty.  The note was yet another goof.

I have a long day tomorrow, so if I don't get a blog done, hopefully this will do until I can do another.  Hope you have a great night.