Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's SHIT day

That's actually an acronym.  "Sure Happy It's Thursday".

A shout-out to my trivia teammates, we’ve been on a big winning streak since winning that $1,000 prize a few weeks ago in our trips to pub quizzes on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.  Last night we missed only two of 49 questions the entire game.  The only bad part was that the turnout was light, so our cash prize was small.  But it’s still another win.  Great job, guys (our one girl wasn’t there last night).

Oh, and a shout-out into the universe to the woman sitting at the table far to my left; who when asked by her friend who’d just returned to the table “what’s happening”, replied “oh that fat guy over there is checking you out.”  I wasn’t checking her out, she walked into my peripheral line of sight and that normally causes me to turn and see who is approaching.  She was pretty, unlike you, so my glance might have lingered a moment but I wasn’t staring.  Just because someone is heavy doesn’t mean they are deaf (the comment was definitely not meant for my ears, but I heard it very clearly).  Oh and babe, before you call others “fat”, take a look in the mirror.  I might be more than a bit heavier than you, but you are not thin enough to be commenting on the weight of others.
That teen that did the video inviting Kate Upton to be his prom date has me thinking.  I know that Natalie Maines, formerly of The Dixie Chicks, loves to play pub trivia.  I’m going to invite her to join us for trivia one night.

Once the judge says it is alright for Lindsay Lohan to drive, I’ve designed a new car for her.  It can be any make or model, but the way it works is that if you flip two switches, it goes from being a left-side drive vehicle to a right-side drive vehicle.  This way she can claim she wasn’t driving when stopped by the cops and there will be no need for her and her next soon-to-be-former assistant to trade seats.
The Cosmopolitan Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas has commercials with cute little kittens and vamps in sexy outfits that make it look cuddly and risqué all at once.  But they were hit by a picket line of workers who want the union to come in and represent them.  Doesn’t help their cuddly, risqué image to see their employees arrested for protesting right outside the doors.  The union in Vegas is very, very powerful.  Don’t cross it.

Drove through Beverly Hills this afternoon.  Only in BH could I have seen some Plastic Surgery/Anti-Aging office two or three doors down from a Kosher Thai restaurant.  And at the hotel where I went to interview the director of a film, the security guard was in a suit and tie, with one of those Secret Service like earpieces on.

I also stopped at a 7-11 and parked in the only available space, the handicapped space.  Now since I have the blue placard, that’s legal for me.  But some moron parked in the blue “No Parking” space between my car and the car in the next space.  I’m guessing they can’t read or figure the rules don’t apply to them.

This Date In History:

On this date in 1188, Antoku becomes Emperor of Japan.
On this date in 1413, Henry V becomes King of England.
On this date in 1556, Thomas Crammer, the Archbishop of Canterbury is burned at the stake.
On this date in 1788, most of New Orleans is destroyed by a fire.
On this date in 1857, an earthquake kills 100,000 in Tokyo.
On this date in 1925, the Butler Act prohibits teaching evolution in Tennessee.
On this date in 1963, Alcatraz Federal prison is closed to prisoners.
On this date in 1965, Martin Luther King Jr., leads the third march from Selma to Montgomery.
On this date in 1980, President Jimmy Carter orders the U.S. boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow (forcing me to cancel my trip to watch the games).

Famous Folk Born This Date:
Forrest Mars Sr.
John D. Rockefeller III
Julio Gallo
Russ Meyer
Timothy Dalton
Eddie Money (he had two tickets to paradise in his hands)
Brad Hall
Gary Oldman
Slim Jim Phantom
Kevin Federline