Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Can I Get a Witness?

Actually I'm thinking of a lyric from a song with a different title.  This one:

The lyric is, of course, the subject of this blog entry.

I was the witness on Wednesday and while I'm glad I stepped up, sometimes doing the right thing isn't worth the hassle.  I was very busy even though it was a day off.  I went into the VA for an early morning appointment.  They finally manufactured something for me that I've been waiting to get for a year. Then I went by the office to call yesterday's client to answer the rest of her questions.  No one had shown up even though the office should have opened 30 minutes earlier.  So I sat down, started answering the phone, texted the boss and made the call I needed to make.

Then it was off to a screening.  On my way home, I stopped to get some gasoline.  As I sat in the driveway, waiting for the pump that faced the side of my car with the gas tank spout on it, I watched this woman back right into this man (both were in cars of course) as he sat there.  He was at a dead stop and she did not look behind her.  She got out and started screaming it was his fault.  I finally got next to a pump, started the emptying of my wallet and filling of the tank, and then let the man know I'd seen the whole thing and he was not at fault.

She kept on yelling he was, even after I gave her a detailed account of how she'd caused the accident.  How she had backed up without looking behind her first.  "I looked in the rear view mirror".  "Maybe, but you're supposed to turn around and look over your shoulder to make sure the space behind you remains clear."  "Wait, there's a camera up there.  I'll get the video and show you it was his fault."

There is no video.  The camera doesn't cover the entire area.  She did the deed and she needs to make it right (actually her insurance company does).  Their adjusted questioned me at length later in the day, and got my detailed account of the events.  I should have followed my initial instinct, to measure off the area involved but I didn't have a tape measure and wasn't about to buy one.

I'm sure the man is grateful and the woman probably loathes me and my honesty, but it was the right thing to do.  Even if it wastes more of my time later.  Maybe someday I'll need a witness and someone else will step up for me.