Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The magic of a full day off

I woke up at 6 this morning, almost automatically.  Remembering I don't work or have any appointments today (there is a screening tonight but that's pleasure), I rolled over and slept another hour.  It was blissful.  I very nearly chose to sleep another hour after that, but I decided to get up so I could enjoy a leisurely breakfast. 

Now a member of Congress from Connecticut is upset because the movie "Lincoln" showed members of the Congressional delegation from his state, voting to preserve slavery.  Since that's not how they voted back in 1865 in reality, he's upset.  He wants this "corrected" before the film goes to DVD.  Dude, it's not a documentary.

What in the world was this "postal employee" thinking when he choked an 11 year old girl at a park?  Okay, she was taunting him for going into the ladies room but what the hell was going on in his head?  Unless he has questions about his gender identity, it was an honest mistake and a child's taunts should just be ignored.  Grow up Mr. Postman.

I'm not sure I want to know what a Russian woman was thinking when she let her boyfriend tattoo his name on her face in five inch tall letters at their first face to face meeting.  They met on-line of course.  This isn't like changing your status on Facebook.  You can't undo this with the click of a mouse.  Maybe a dose of bath salts was involved.

Six or so months from now, you can stop checking your mailbox for mail, if you checked it on Friday.  Saturday delivery of mail will end.  It's about time.  Congress needs to pull its thumb out of its ass and work with the USPS to keep it financially viable.

A pregnant woman keeps showing up late or no-showing for her pre-natal visits, ultrasounds and so on, and finally her frustrated OB-Gyn wrote about the tardiness on Facebook.  She didn't identify the patient, so the hospital where she works says she didn't breech privacy but that the comments were "inappropriate".  What does it say about a woman when she is always late for or blows off appointments like this?  A potential life is being put at risk by her behavior. 

Ok, Ohio people.  Grow up.  Get over the fact LeBron James left for Miami.  There's no need for vanity license plates that read LBJSUCK, LBJSUX, IH8LBJ and my personal favorite, LBJFU.  Get over it.  I bet you'd all rejoice if those wild rumors about him returning to the Cavaliers were true and immediately burn those plates.  If you'd managed to sneak them past the BMV, which you didn't.

This Date in History:

On this date in 1788, Massachusetts becomes the sixth state to ratify the Constitution.
On this date in 1820, the first 86 African-American immigrants depart for what will become Liberia.
On this date in 1918, British women over 30 years of age get the right to vote.
On this date in 1933, the 20th Amendment goes into effect.
On this date in 1952, Queen Elizabeth II becomes the first UK queen-regnant since Queen Victoria, when King George VI dies.  She was in a treehouse in Kenya at the exact moment of succession.
On this date in 1959, Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments files the first patent for an integrated circuit.
On this date in 1998, Washington National Airport is renamed.  It became Ronald Reagan National Airport.

Fun With Classified Ads:
"Looking for experienced tax preparer with minimum of three years. Must have own client base and familiar with Drake software" - Basically this is saying I want you to generate your own business and I'll take part of what you make.

"High End Consignment boutique is looking for an energetic, "fashion conscious", merchandising and sales person to join our team."  Why do we never see advertisements from "low-end stores"?

"No negative nancy's please!"  What did Nancy do to these people?  Oh, and no worries about it being a male applicant, the ad illegally asks for only females to apply.