Thursday, February 07, 2013

Meeting of the Resident's Council

Today was the monthly meeting of the Resident's Council, as we open this installment of "As The Assisted Living Facility Turns".

The complaints raised were as follows:

They shouldn't mop the floor during breakfast time because too many people are walking back and forth from the dining room.  The suggestion was made that the mopping should be done around 10:00 a.m., when the foot traffic is reduced.

The cleaning solution they use to mop the floors may be why so many people who go to the first seating at breakfast are coughing and have runny noses. 

The floor is too slippery after it's just been mopped.

One of the residents does not like their food to be barbequed, and today's lunch was barbeque chicken.

One of the residents wants more cookies instead of unfrosted pieces of cake.

The employees are still not wearing name-tags.

The dining room needs heat during meals.

They want an estimated completion date on the renovations.

The new decor going up as part of the renovations is too "brown" and too "masculine".  It needs more "color".

One resident was concerned that they didn't know there'd been a meeting of this group in January.

The President is going to do the following in response to these complaints.

Approach the Facility Director about the mopping issue, ensure the cleaning solution is hypoallergenic and make sure whoever is mopping puts up the warning signs.  The signs are going up already, but apparently they are too small for some people's vision.

Talk to the Head Chef about turning up the heat a bit during meals.  And point out that this one resident doesn't want barbeque on their food.

Talk to the Facility Director and ask for an update on the status of getting employee name-tags.

Ask for a projected date the renovations will be finished.

There's nothing to do about the cookies vs cake issue, it was discussed at the Tuesday meeting with the Head Chef and the resident who asked was already told the reasons for cake without icing (too many diabetic residents).

The meeting was adjourned 18 minutes after it began.  Twice as long as last month.