Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sometimes routine is very welcome...

as it is on this Tuesday morning.  Welcome because I awakened in my own bed.  Welcome because I won't be eating hospital food today.  Welcome because I won't have blood drawn three or four times today.  Welcome because someone won't be trying to give me IV antibiotics through an improperly placed IV. 

I went to trivia last night but there was no trivia to be had.  There was a game scheduled but my team was the only one to show up.  So we should be considered to be the winners by default; however, because there was no game, no prize or points could be awarded.  But since I was so happy to be out of the hospital, going to trivia was still a victory for me.

Things I'm pondering this morning include:

How is it possible to lose 22 pounds in water-weight from Friday night to Monday morning?  Most of it will come back as soon as I'm no longer on the higher dosages of lasix (a diuretic drug). 

How will the new research that seems to indicate that pedophilia isn't a learned behavior, but an intrinsic, deep-rooted behavior go over with those who are convinced that can't possibly be the case?

What possible benefit will Lance Armstrong gain from fessing up to his having used performance-enhancing substances?  He won't regain his titles.  They may let him go back to competing in triathalons but he's not going to do much there anyway.

How did a Smash Burger suddenly spring up in the middle of Culver Center as fast as it did?  Is the food there any good?  It might be a while before I feel up to sneaking in a burger.

When will some cable TV network make a reality show "Lindsay Lohan - Legal Stuff"?

I'm sure some stylist somewhere is cringing at the thought "why didn't I make sure Lena Dunham was able to walk in the shoes I picked for her Golden Globes outfit". 

The height of laziness is having no water to drink because I didn't go down to the dining room last night and refill the water bottles before getting into bed.

Was anyone in Hollywood or otherwise aware of the goings-on in the entertainment community who was completely unaware of Jodie Foster's sexual preference, or her dignified insistence that this part of her life is no one else's business?

Why is it when you don't like the black jelly beans, the bag of mixed flavors always has more of those than any other single flavor?

Why in the world would UNLV, which has never had a marquee football program, spend $800 million on a new football stadium for their home games?  Somewhere in the hidden agenda for this project is someone's idea of holding college's national championship game/Superbowls there in the future.

This Date in History

On this date in 69, Otho seized power and declared himself Emperor of Rome.  He killed himself 3 months later.
On this date in 1493, Christopher Columbus set sail for Spain from Hispaniola.
On this date in 1559, Elizabeth I is crowned Queen of England.  No, Elizabeth II was not a lady-in-waiting at the coronation.
On this date in 1782, Superintendent of Finance Robert Morris appeared before Congress to call for the establishment of a mint and decimal based coinage.
On this date in 1815, during the war of 1812, the U.S. ship USS President was captured by a squadron of British ships.
On this date in 1844, an event took place that I won't recount because of my disdain and dislike for this university's sports teams.
On this date in 1870, a political cartoon represented the Democratic party with the symbol of a donkey for the first time.
On this date in 1889, Coca-cola became a corporation in Atlanta, GA.
On this date in 1892, James Naismith publishes the rules of basketball for the first time.
On this date in 1919, a large tank of molasses bursts open in Boston killing 21 and injuring 150.
And on this date in 1967, Super Bowl I is played in Los Angeles.