Thursday, January 10, 2013

Last night...

I asked to be awakened this morning at 6:00.  I had to be somewhere and I wanted to eat breakfast at the 7:00 a.m. seating.  I woke up without hearing the doorbell (their usual method of awakening me) at ten minutes before 7:00.  So as a result I had to go without breakfast this morning.  I didn't say a word to the Facility Director, but this has happened before and I'm at the end of my patience with it.  It is two or three particular staff members who can't be counted upon to pass on the request to the graveyard shift and if it happens again I will make it a point to talk to the Facility Director about it.

I am not taking some of my regular medications because of this test that's coming up next week and it is causing some problems for me.  I am having more trouble breathing than usual.  I know why.  One of the meds I normally take helps reduce fluid around my heart.  When that fluid builds up, breathing becomes harder.  I can use the "rescue inhaler" but that doesn't help.  I'm taking steps to deal with this, but there's only so much I can do.  I can't go back on the meds until after next week's test.  But I will be fine.  I keep telling myself that.

Things I'm pondering on this day:

How in the world did the amazing work of John Hawkes in "The Sessions" get overlooked for an Oscar nomination?

Wilko Johnson (actor from 'Game of Thrones') has terminal cancer and has decided to not undergo chemotherapy.  I have known people who have done that.  I am just amazed at how someone can make that choice with quiet dignity.  I don't think I have the internal courage to do something like that.  I'm awed.

The word is that some actresses in Hollywood aren't pleased that a 9 year old girl netted an Oscar nomination for Best Actress. 

Why is J.C. Penney's failing so badly? 

Why in the world would anyone sign "F**k y'all" on the bottom of a moving violation ticket?  Why especially would a professional athlete do so and then claim that was his real name?

When yet another restaurant is cutting hours of its employees because it can't afford the penalties it faces when Obamacare goes into effect next year, and people who were working 40 hours a week will get cut back to 28, who is really to blame?  Is it the franchisee who can't afford to pay $150,000 a year in penalties, which would be less than the cost of providing coverage to the 100 employees, or is it that the mandate isn't a perfect solution?