Thursday, January 17, 2013

So is it or isn't it...

referring to the 'hoax' surrounding the 'dead' girlfriend of Te'O.  Not is it a hoax or not, it is.  But was he involved in pulling off the hoax as part of the plot, or just as a victim?  If he's a victim, fine.  If not, any NFL team thinking of drafting him needs to re-think that decision.  Someone dumb enough to plan or be involved in the planning of something like this can't be trusted to always make smart decisions on the gridiron.

Went to a screening last night.  Film was above average for the genre, place was packed.  So why did half the audience file out during the credits when they knew that the film's director, Taylor Hackford would do a Q&A afterward?  How often do you get a chance to hear a film's director talking about it after a screening?  I made sure that the good friend I went to the film with would also want to stay for the Q&A.

Things I'm pondering this morning.  I'm wondering if my level of fatigue of late is just me continuing to recover from this illness.  Why is it that I feel since I'm out of the hospital I should feel "fine"?

When it's freezing outside, so cold that women are wearing multiple layers of sweaters/jackets, why would they wear flip flops on their feet?  Do women's feet not get cold while the rest of them does?

Why would Sarah Jessica Parker get cut from a film about Linda Lovelace?  Was her role unimportant?  Or was she just unsuited for a movie about porn movies?

Would you be disappointed if you were shown this:

And you got this:

Just one example of how hotels will use photos that make their facilities look a lot better in advertising than they do in reality.

I hear all this fuss about expanding background checks for gun purchases, but given that in eight of ten crimes involving a gun, it was either stolen or taken without permission from a friend/family member; will it really help all that much?  Clearly legally purchased guns aren't involved in most gun crimes.

Do those with bachelor's degrees in architecture have a higher rate of unemployment than those with bachelor's degrees in fine arts?  Apparently so.  Why?

Did you know that if you have a handicapped parking placard, you can use it even when you're just a passenger in the vehicle?  I didn't until yesterday.

Will the tradition of women in rural Albanian villages choosing to live as men, swearing to remain forever celibate and being given the privileges of men in their society continue, or will it ultimately die out?  To borrow from a movie "would you like to know more?"  If so, search Sworn Virgins of Albania.

Why is it no good deed goes unpunished?  A cadet at West Point had a mouse in his barracks.  So he caught it and released it into the wild.  Where it was snatched up by a hawk less than 30 seconds later.

This date in History:

On this date in 1377, Pope Gregory XI moved the papacy back to Rome from Avignon.
On this date in 1595, King Henry IV of France declares war on Spain.
On this date in 1773, Captain James Cook and his crew became the first to sail below the Antarctic Circle.
On this date in 1893, the government of Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii was overthrown.
On this date in 1917, the U.S. paid Norway $17 million for the Virgin Islands.
On this date in 1946, the UN Security Council held its first meeting.
On this date in 1961, President Eisenhower delivered a farewell address where he warned the nation about the dangers of the accumulation of power by the 'military-industrial complex'.
On this date in 1966, over Palomares, Spain, a B-52 bomber collides with a KC-135 tanker, resulting in four hydrogen bombs being dropped (there was no NUCLEAR detonation), one into the ocean where it took months to locate.
On this date in 1977, the U.S.'s ten year moratorium on capital punishment ended when Gary Gilmore was executed by firing squad in Utah.